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Chapter 1.

Diana's pov.

Thank god it's Saturday. I don't know if I could take another day of school, seeing them.

My name is Diana Keegan I'm 16 years old I live in Manchester, England, I'm average height. I love One Direction, you can say they saved my life. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have a reason to smile. I know a lot of fans say that about them but I'm serious.

My mum died when I was 11. She died from cancer, she was so strong though but not strong enough. And my dad, well he's useless. Ever since I died he wasn't himself, he doesn't speak to me like father and daughter speak. He's never in, he's always out at the pub getting hammered. I want the old him back. He's not the same man. He'll come Home so late at night and crash on the couch. He didn't even attend his own wife's funeral, he was 'busy at work' as he told everyone.

And as for school, well what can I say really? I get bullied. I think it's because I'm always quiet, I don't really talk to anyone, I don't have anyone really. I'd rather spend my lunch time

In the library on tumblr or twitter or even reading fanfiction I like to read. Fanfiction is amazing, I love after! ugh I want a relationship like Tessa and Harrys but that won't happen.

When I said one direction saved my life I meant that. If it weren't for them as ill say again I wouldn't be smiling, their music helps me through a rough day. And as for the fandom well if I'm honest if I weren't a Directioner and never had a twitter tumblr I wouldn't have any friends. I don't have any friends I see or meet but I speak to people all over the world, in places I didn't even know existed and if it weren't for those five boys I wouldn't even have the chance to talk to them.

Right now I just got up its 11am. Not too late but not too early.

I walked into the kitchen to make

Myself some toast. I collected the bread popping two slices into the toaster and putting the radio on running into radio 1. One direction started playing and I just started singing along.

"One way or another I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha one way or another" I started belting along.

I went over to the fridge to get the butter out and I saw a note attached to it.

"I'm out. Won't be back until late"

Oh great. Thanks dad no 'had a good day sweetheart' or 'love from dad' no I just get 'I'm out'.

Once I ate my toast I went upstairs to check my tumblr. Lets see what's going on in the fandom today.


Harrys pov.

Do you know what's better than sitting on your own sofa eating a bowl of cornflakes watching family guy at 11 in the morning? nothing. Well there will be but this feels so amazing. Just me by myself in my own house no work just chilling. Ahhhh.

*beep beep*

"Hello?" I say to the unknown caller, I wasn't thinking to look at who had called me. What? it's 11 in the morning.

"Hey Styles" it was Louis. "Simon wants to have a meeting in 10 minuets at your place were all on our way see ya soon"

"Wait what I'm not eve-" did Louis Tomlinson just hang up on me? rude much.

10 minuets? well that's in.... well 10 minuets. Oh crap I need to get dressed.

Why do we meet to have a meeting? what's so important that you have to disturb me and my tv show and cornflakes we were quite happy until I got a that phone call.


*knock knock*

What? that's was only five minuets.

I ran down the stairs pulling down my t shirt answering the door to more people then I expected.

"Hi? Louis. Liam, Niall, Zayn, Simon, mum? and sorry who are you?" I ask the women who looks around 40 with short blonde hair wrk glasses.

"We'll explain once we're all in. Pop the kettle on." Simon says walking into my home with the rest following behind.

"What the?" I mouth to Zayn.

"Non of us know mate. I was gonna take Perrie to see mum this afternoon but I had to come here" Zayn replies walking past me into the living room.

"Oh" is all I reply back.

"What's going on? if you don't mind me asking" Niall asks.

"Well where to start? um okay well i assume you all know about bullying right"? he asks and we all nod. Well we all have a experienced it once oor twice in our lives before. "Good now some of your fans are affected by this"

"Simon what's going on?" Liam speaks up for all of us.

"Hello I haven't introduced my self I'm mrs Kyle. I work at Morgan high school, there is a pupil there who suffers from bullying but she doesn't do anything about it" the women says looking at us smiling.

"Erm what's this gotta so with us" I ask totally lost in what this is all about.

"Yeah what's going on" Niall asks.

"This girl loves you boys. I'm Diana's English teacher and I always catch her on her phone looking on twitter or what ever the things you young ones use these days looking at your page. I hear her music it's always you boys. I know she's a fan. Simon here is my half cousin and I stated talking about this pupil with him and I'm worried about her. She lost her mother at the age of 11 when she just came up to the high school. I've teached her from the age of 11 to now and I get more and more worried every time I see her. She looks so broken. I've tried talking to here but she won't let me in. So that's when Simon had this amazing idea" she finishes looking over at Simon.

"Well because we know she's a fan and you know what the directioners are like you're there everything. Well to some And we think this is the case here. So we are putting you under cover to get to know her. Try to get inside of her. Help her you guys the her idols anyway." Simon states.

Are you kidding me right now? This is. Well it's amazing we're gonna get to know a fan.

"Who is this girl?" Louis speaks for the first time since he arrives.

"Here we have a video of her in my English class I put up a camera to show you."

"Okay" I say. "Mum what so you have to say to this?"

"I think it's amazing. If this works I will be more than proud of you son, more than ever before." She says kissing my forehead.

"So are we gonna act like school pupils dressed up and that?" Liam asks.

"No it's not type of undercover. You will be in vans, Cameras will be set up in the school at stuff you will watch her then meet her eventually as your selves." Simon says placing the DVD in the DVD player.

And what comes on the screen is a young beautiful depressed girl in her class people Around her snickering.

We're gonna help you Diana.


A/N: hello. This is my first chapter of Diana. I hope you call like it.

Can you all lease vote. Comment. It doesn't take that long. Thank you.

-Britney xox

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