The boy in the purple curtains

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You see a red fox animatronic sitting there looking downwards, he notices you staring at him, he looks up at you you quickly close the curtain and walk away. The next place you want to see is the stage, the kids are busy eating pizza so you walk into the stage and look at the electronics, you whisper to yourself "Freddy, Bonnie and Chica, you all look so..." you shake your head "Different?" The voice comes from Freddy "Eccentric?" This time the voice comes from Bonnie "Fat?" Chica whispers you step back "you talk in the day?" You where curious what about what happens at night, "Yes, we also take human form at night which are much skinnier, and much cuter than these forms" she points to her body, she sounds just like an everyday girl, not like a crazy murderer robot. the other two nod and you walk away somewhat content with you visit, you go outside to your car. The shifts are late so you need to sleep during the day to make up for the time your at work. On the way home you manage to dodge 3 squirrels and park your car crooked, but it doesn't matter because your tired and all you can think about is your comfy bed. You walk inside your apartment and end up falling asleep on the couch.

~The next day~

You wake up on the floor, and its 3 in the afternoon you got 8 straight hours of sleep, it felt nice but your back was sore from the couch. You get up and make yourself supper, you throw on a loose shirt and shorts so you can easily get changed into your uniform. You hang out on the couch and take another nap because the work schedule messed up your routine. When you wake up it's 7, you watch some tv then you decide to start drawing in your sketchbook. Your sketchbook is special to you because your mom gave it to you, you don't see her much anymore because you lived away. You start drawing the people you saw last night, you finish a drawing of Chica, Bonnie and Freddy when it comes to drawing you are a perfectionist so every detail is important. By the time you've finished the 3 drawings it's 11 almost time for work, it's probably a good idea to get there a bit early so you grab your sketchbook and pencil and put them in your bag. You look around for a pair of earring because your a last minute person and you think of everything you need at the very last second. You quickly put your hair in a ponytail like yesterday and drive to the pizzeria.

~At the pizzeria~

You smile and walk in, it's only 11:50 so you go in the office and get changed, good thing you wore loose clothes because it makes it easier to slip on and off. The clock strikes 12 and you assume the animatronics have transformed into human form. You open your sketchbook and add the finishing touches on your drawings. "[Y/N]!!!" Chica squeals you wave to her <I may as well get used to Chica if I'm going to be working here> she walks over to you "Whatcha doing?" She snatches the book from your hands and before you can stop her she flips through the pages "Awwww you drew me and Bonnie and Freddy! That's so sweet" you and Chica start talking, she seems exited to finally have a female friend around. You look to your right and see none other than Bonnie "Ch-Ch-Ch-Chica, I b-brought you a c-c-c-cupcake, because I know you l-like them" he's blushing but Chica doesn't seem to realize "Thanks Bonnie, oh and by the way meet [Y/N] she my new bestie!" He gives Chica her cupcake, smiles at you then runs away "what's with everyone here and running away?" You ask "oh just that your new and they killed the other security guards but I won't let them kill you so it's just a bit awkward" she says totally unaware how weird it was for her to say that. You check the cameras and ask her "Who's the boy in the purple curtains?" You say pointing at the curtains on the screen

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