Chapter 15

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Wow, hi guys! I’m sorry this has taken a while. Has it been too long? do you want quicker updates?


“Kurt that boy you like,” Mr Smythe said way too loudly. “He’s the one you write about in that fucking journal of yours! HE’S THE PIECE OF SHIT THAT-“

“Whack!” Mr Smythe fell to the floor unconscious, as Quentin Anderson lowered the cane he had just hit Mr Smythe with.

“Awful racket he was making... Did we miss something?” Mr Anderson said, smiling, however it didn’t reach his eyes. 

Lucy tapped him on the shoulder, pointing at Mr Wilson, who tried to sneak back into the crowd. “ah! Robert don’t we have a forfeit to arrange for you?” Quentin called over the crowd.

“Bastian?” Juile said softly, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Sebastian shrugged it off, running as fast as he could for his dorm, tears in his eyes.

Chapter 15

It was almost half-past seven in the morning before Kurt felt he couldn’t just lie in bed anymore. He sat up carefully, making sure that he didn’t wake Blaine. He wasn’t ready to talk to him about everything yet, though he took it as a good sign that they had fallen asleep together. No words had been exchanged and the atmosphere had been a little tense through the night, but considering that one of their best friends had (sort of) admitted to being in love with Kurt, it was the best that he could hope for.

Still in his pyjama’s, Kurt exited the room, not before pulling on a hoodie and a pair of slippers.  You never know what you can find on the floor of the dorms especially after a big, stressful event like the Winter Ball.

Kurt made his way down the halls slowly, not really thinking about where he was going, thoughts rolling around in his head. Sebastian had a crush on him. No, that wasn’t strong enough…. Seb was in love with him.

It couldn’t be right. Sebastian wasn’t that type of person. He slept around and was basically a ‘Man Whore’. Not that Kurt judged him for it. It was just something that came with ‘the Sebastian package of friendship’. The snarky comments, the flirting with everyone and everything that moved… it was all what you expect from Sebastian. Not falling in love!

Kurt pricked up his ears. He could hear music. Soft, tinkling music, yet with a deep sound that gave it heart. He definitely recognized the sound, it was a harp.

The only room that had a harp was the choir room, though he didn’t think anyone in the school could play one.

Running to the doorway, Kurt looked in and stopped abruptly, making the person that sat at the harp jump and play the wrong string. They both cringed at the sound it made and Sebastian looked up from the instrument nervously.

It was clear to Kurt that Sebastian had hardly slept, if at all. There were dark circles under his wide, blood shot eyes. The room was tense.

“…Hi,” Kurt said softly. Sebastian jerked and stared down at the floor, as if Kurt had shouted at him. His cheeks were red with embarrassment.



They both stopped. They were normally so in sync, understanding what each other were thinking. They were best friends, brothers.  

“You…um, you play the harp?” Kurt asked.

Sebastian nodded “Yeah, ever since…freshmen year,”

“We could have used that in a performance,” Kurt said lightly brushing his fingers along the top of the instrument.

“It’s kind of embarrassing…”

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