Another Love Story(One Direction)

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Hey guys this is my first story I'm uploading to watt-pad so please give me your insight on my writing skills.

                        "What in the bloody hell," i screamed as i fell backwards onto the ground! I had just left my flat to go for a morning jog when i was knocked over by five men...

                       I'm Bear Cameron, and I'm 5"6 with naturally curly orange hair.My skin is abnormally pale, I'm 21 and I'm the biggest bookworm in all of Westchester, England. My friend Phoebe Enriquez and i share a flat close to England's School of Performing Arts. The two of us have started a duo called Teenage Royals. I can play almost every instrument like a boss but the violin is my favourite.Anyways enough about my likes and more about this crazy morning...

                      I awoke to the sound of Phoebes alarm going off "Turn it off" i yelled throwing my pillow across the room.

                     As the sound stopped i jumped up out of bed remembering my morning jog. I threw on my Adidas jogging pants and a green tank top over my bra.I then grabbed my black vans and then ran out the door.Then i started to jog about 15 minutes into it i began to hear screaming without stopping the jog i turned around to see at least a hundred teenagers running my way.As i moved out the way from their path i began to wonder who it was they were chasing.

                    The moment they rounded the boulevard i turned around a ran right into a pretty solid body. "What in the bloody hell," i screamed as i fell flat onto my arse. I looked up to see five young men staring down at me.

    "This can't be happening," said one with blonde hair. "Oh yeah well its all your fault for posting where we were gonna be on twitter,"said another with a varsity jacket.

    This seemed to set them all off as they began to blame each other."Hey, how about a hand here  and an oh I'm sorry woul be nice too," i yelled causing them all to jump.Then the one with extremely curly hair helped me up as his cheeks turned red. i just dusted off my bum and started to walk away when "Blonde" yelled "wait". I turned around and he said "My friends and i need a place to stay for a while we stay with you?Without thinking i said"sure" never really taking into account that I'd be inviting a sensational band to live with me and all the problems they might cause...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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