You shouldn't have been with me. (Non-musical scenario)

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Y/N(Friend) x Shi Yun

'She's not picking her phone again? Just how many times do I need to call her and remind her about her position?' My friend, MY best friend. I knew Shi Yun since young. We were childhood friends. Since young, we went to the same school even until now. Both of us are in the same college and same class, fate isn't it? Now, I felt that she has somehow changed. In what ways? She way colder to friends and never socialize about. When it comes to talking about her family and stuffs, she wouldn't answer. Others might not notice but I've thought that the accident involved both her mother and brother changed her. And currently staying by herself.

*riingg riinngg*

'Huh? Is it her?'

I raised my handphone to my face and saw her name.

"Yun! Finally you picked up AND replied my calls. Where have you been? It's been a few days since you came to school, all the others are asking me just where are you and I can't even give them a straight answer." I kept shouting over the phone.

"Are you done?"

"Yes. Mind explaining everything to me now?" I breathed out heavily.

"I must have caused some trouble for you at school,huh? Sorry. Just to let you know, I'm just living the way I am. Thanks for worrying about me though."

"I-it's okay. Are you coming to school today?"


Not answering my question for awhile made me kinda worried. Until she broke the silence.

"Actually, I'm not going to school. I've got some things to take care of."

"Oh, alright. Do you need me to come over to help you out?"

"No, it's alright. Thanks."

Before I could ask her another question, she hung up the phone.

Shi Yun

I kept thinking to myself. 'Damn. Why is she so curious about everything? I know it myself that I'm getting colder towards everyone because of what happen. But I'm doing this so that I...I can forget about everything. I want you to forget me. Same goes to everyone.' Before I knew it, I'm crying.

'Huh? I'm crying? What the fuck? I don't cry.' I guess the pain was really unbearable for me.

Feeling irritated, I went over to my closet and grabbed my hoodie. Walked over to my dresser to grab my keys, hand phone and earpiece and headed straight for the door.

With my earpiece plugged into my phone and volume to almost full blast. I headed straight to my nearby café and got myself a mocha Frappuccino.

While heading back home, I did some thinking as well.

'What happens if I left this country and moved to another one. Or maybe move to another school so that nobody will know who I am. Or should I isolate myself in the house and maybe not come out unless I have to?'

Leaving my thoughts unanswered, I carried on with my own gaming when I stepped back into my house.


'It's been a week since I've seen her at school. Is she really okay? I mean, if it really did happen to me. I'd probably did the same. I guess I'll have to call her after school.'

*riiinng* The school bell rung across the school grounds. Students started packing up their things, heading out of the classrooms and school in groups. While I am alone, once again. Before the accident, Shi Yun and I always head home together. Since we stayed in the neighborhood that was close to each other. I really do miss her presence. The way she laugh was really contagious, the puns she said really unbelievable, her music sense was really great and the number of friends she had at school was shocking. Everywhere the both of us went to, she either had to high-five a bunch of times or even stop here and there to talk a bit. Sometimes I do envy her relationships with others. But now because of her sudden disappearance, made almost everyone coming to me asking about Shi Yun.

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