Regrets and Memories

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****** Harry's P. O. V.******

I refused to open my eyes. My head pounded to the beat of my heart rate that was slowly jacking up as I lay in my bed? The girl on my arms bed? How was I too know? I barely remembered the night before.

I could feel the morning(perhaps afternoon) sun on my skin. My eyelids bright red from it's light. I put my free arm over my eyes and groaned at the pressure. Fucking hangovers.

Why do I do this to myself? Oh I know. Being in love with your best friend who is in a happy relationship with someone you introduced him too can make you do stupid things. Like have a crazy ass night on the town, get drunk off your ass, and take home a random girl who means absolutely nothing to you. For god's sake I couldn't even remember what she looked like let alone her name.

After about 20 minutes of laying there, I felt the pressure on my right arm lessen.

"Are you awake?" a scruffy female voice asked. I sighed in relief. At least it was a girl this time.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled back.

"If you don't mind I would like you to get dressed and leave now. You know I didn't even expect you to be here and if my roommate comes home and sees you I'll never hear the end of it," the girl said. I felt her get up from the bed.

"Yeah. Course," I croaked, my voice deeper then usual from sleep.

I removed my arm and opened my eyes instantly regretting it. Ugh. I hate hangovers, I thought. I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I searched for my clothes without looking at the girl. I pulled on my pants and shirt. When I finally looked up the girl was no where to be seen. I made my exit swiftly and silently.

I started my car thanking God it was in one piece. I headed to my.... Correction Louis' and my apartment.

****** Louis' P. O. V.******

I paced the kitchen. Where was he? Harry swore he'd be home last night. I searched everywhere. Harry was no where to be found in our apartment. I had double checked after calling the all the boys. He wasn't at any of their flats. His car was still missing. I couldn't help but be worried out of my mind.

"Will you just calm down?" Eleanor said from her perch on the island. "He's a big boy. Harry can take care of himself."

I stopped and just stared at Eleanor like she was stupid. Harry not coming home when he said he will is like..... It's like Liam drinking. Doesn't happen!

"Oh my god." Eleanor rolled her eyes at me. She hopped off the island and came over to me. Eleanor put her hands on either side of my face. "Lou. Harry is fine. Stop thinking the worst case scenarios."

I sighed. "I'm sorry, El. He just worries me."

"I know he does. Just breathe. I'm sure he'll be home soon. I have to go though. Are you going to be alright?" She asked.

I took a deep breath. I kissed her softly on the lips. Then sighed, not really feeling anything.

"Yeah," I tried to smile. "He'll be alright."

"Exactly. I love you, Louis," Eleanor whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back. I tried not to laugh.

Eleanor giggled. "I don't know."

She giggled one last time and kissed me. "Bye Lou, love you."

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