Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hello hello! Yeah, uhm. I'll be in the story fyi lolol.

Again, i'll probably wont publish the chapters too often. I'm a lazy person~ Sorryeh ♡ lol okay I talk too much. Lets get started.

Gee's P.O.V

"Alright you creatures sit down, clear your tables and listen to what I'm about to say." Our favourite homeroom teacher, Teacher Elizabeth, came in as I was talking to my group of friends in the corner of the class.

Everyone went back to their seats and kept quiet as the teacher was about to speak.

"As you know, you creatures are about to graduate in about a week from now." She said.

Everyone cheered and the teacher shushed them up.

She cleared her throat and started her speech again. "Though, I dont know how you creatures actually made it. As I was saying." she mumbles.

"I wont be seeing you creatures anymore, woohoo for me!" She cheered.

"For your graduation, the assistant principal wants you creatures to sing a song."

"What song?" one of the students asked.

"Your choice." she replied.

"Whats the point? Why dont we just leave right after we get our damn high school diplomas?" Avory, one of my classmates, questioned.

"I know, right? You guys would leave a little bit earlier and I wont have to see you creatures anymore." She replied.

Everyone just gave a loud "OOOOH" sound.

Not so long after, homeroom period was over and they had chemistry class. They didnt really learn anything. They just watched movies since they finished the exams and corrections.


Me and my friends made our way to the school cafeteria to have our lunch.

That reminds me, I havent introduced my friends yet, have I?

Well, here goes.

Lisa, she loves fries. So we usually call her Potato. She's a precious cinnamon roll u-u.

Johnny, he's like a brother to me. We met in elementary and he's a cool guy. He's a big fan of batman, he also loves to play games like Overwatch.

Avory, he's one of the many people I can talk about anime and other stuff with. I've seen him around during elementary. But we started to hang out only during junior high.

Corine, sporty and girly. We love teasing her. No idea why. She seems to like it though. Probably secretly a masochist or something.

Franky, she loves reading fiction books, fanfiction, etc. Her english is above the friggin charts and she loves music. Not pop, but tøp, p!atd, you name em. She's also best friends with Corine since kindergarten. Its cute how she cares about Corine so much.

Lim, she's sporty and loves taekwondo. She's a fellow scout member like me. She's a really cool person to be with.

Lena, Lisa's best friend. She's girly but nuts. In a good way. She gets along quite well with everyone.

Brad, Lena's lover. They have been together for a few years and still going strong. Get me a relationship like that pls. Theyre goals. Other than that, he's the savage of the group.

Lastly, me. Gee. Not a creative name, huh? My parents suck at naming. Thats probably why I suck at it too. I named my cat Billy. Probably was sitting infront of a dollar bill. I'm sure glad that I wasnt infront of a pile of poop while I was thinking of a name for him, huh? Other than that, I like doodling and drawing. Not much to say about myself. But I guess you'll see how I'm like along the way.

Enough with the introduction. I'm hungry.

I then snapped and came back to reality.

"HEY? EARTH TO GEE GOD DAMN IT YOURE LOST IN SPACE AGAIN." Johnny waved at me and Corine shouted beside my ear. And yes, I space out a LOT. It's a habit.

"Wuh?" I said, confused.

"You were spacing out again. You were staring at Johnny and it creeped him out a little." said Corine.

"A-ah, sorry about that. I was just we really wanna just leave the school? Just like this? Without a memorable moment of us in school?" I said.

"What do you mean? We have many memorable moments." Lena said.

"Well yeah, but not in the school. It's usually in the amusement park, the beach or the park."

"Hm, she's right. Let's do something memorable!" Lisa jumped up enthusiastically.

Everyone nodded in agreement and started thinking on what we should do.

"How about staying overnight here in school?" Franky suggested.

Many of us were intruiged with the idea but some of us hesitated a little.

"Are you sure about that? What if we get caught?" Lisa said.

"Or find a ghost? Oooooo~" Lena tried spooking Lisa.

"YEAH, OKAY. NOT A GOOD IDEA." Lisa covered her whole face and started to panic a little.

Lena chuckled and pats Lisa. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, sheesh! Don't be a party pooper~"

Lisa pouted at Lena. "Fine. Let's do it.." Lisa said hesitantly. It was obvious she wasnt really to fond of the idea.

"So, everyone agrees to this?" I asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then, it's settled! Meet up at the back gate around 8pm!"

But what they dont know, a little surprise will be waiting for them.


CLIFFHANGER! HAH. You'll be expecting lots of cliffhangers from me in this story! Sorry not sorry HAHAH! Yeah, this chapter was mostly an introduction, huh? Boring, I know. But I wont let you down next chapter. Hopefully.

Anyways, liked the story so far?

(a distant "no" is heard in the background)

SHHH I KNOW I SUCK AND ITS CRINGEY BUT I'M WORKING ON IT. The spoops will probably start next chapter, but I dont know yet. We'll just have to see. See ya next chapter!

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