Do you really love me?
its such a BIG word.
its been tossed around
from crown to crown.
Do you really LOVE me?
cause that's what I heard.
You say it often,
how much you care,
but then you leave me,
just stranded there.
But its the way you say it,
that makes me feel new.
The stomach of butterflies
that came just from you.
The way your smile lights up my day,
because you always have something loving to say.
You're there for me
when I need you.
Holding me close
when I lose my cool.
begging me to stay
after I've had a long day.
You make me feel special
with the things that you do,
because You love me,
and I love you too.
Do you ever think of me?
Randomjust deep thoughts and feelings..........don't complain