I'll be home for Christmas (Finchel Fanfiction)

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So every - changes POV from Finn to Rachel

-Finn stood at bow bridge. It was two days till Christmas. He had just come back from the army. When he looked over the edge he saw his reflection. He didn't see himself he saw some guy with a buzz cut who just happened to have his face. Apart from that he also had a lot more muscles, from the army. When he used to look in the mirror he saw an innocent boy who just wanted to be with Rachel Berry. At the time she just was Rachel Berry talented broadway wanna be. Now she was Rachel Berry the talented broadway star. She had reached her dreams, but Finn? No, he was just going through life. After the war all he saw where images of it all the time. It was scary and he was lucky he made it out, and with saving Puckerman's life. Flashes of that moment went through his head. Finn had heard an explosion, and when he looked he saw Puck was on the ground burning and dieing. So he picked Puck up and carried him to safety he also saved others.

-Rachel was walking. She saw a guy on bow bridge. He was wearing an army suit. Probably waiting for someone she thought sadly. She was a broadway star, what she always wanted to be. Shouldn't she be happy? Right? Well, she wasn't. She missed Finn Hudson so much it hurt...bad. She hoped he made something of himself like she always believed. He was her hero. Now she hoped he wasn't just her hero. She looked at the man again and then realization hit her. That was Finn. He looked a lot older and more mature. She wanted to run into his arms but she also wanted to fall on the ground crying. HER Finn, hers had been in the army her innocent Finn had to see things no one should see, she felt hot tears run down her cheeks. She wipes them quickly and got all of her courage and tapped him on the shoulder.

-I was spacing out and I felt a tap on my shoulder. The vision was so real I turned around and expected to see an attacker...so my reflexes got the better of me and I almost punched. But those big brown Bambi eyes stopped me. My fist was inches from her face. She looked terrified. "OH MY GOSH RACHEL IM SO SORRY!!!" I exclaimed. I felt like such a jerk. Uug!! I always messed everything up!!!

-I almost had a heart attack!! Finn's fist was just inches from my face. He was now rambling off about how sorry he was. "Hey Finn, it's ok really!!" He looked sad and pained. His eyes look distant I rarely ever saw that expression. I think the army changed him, even though he was smiling I could see right through it. "Finn, are you ok?" I questioned. He sighed and looked down. "No, no I'm not fine at all." I suddenly felt like I needed to comfort him. So I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "It's ok! If you need to talk about I'm right here, I'll always be here for you."

-I was shocked by her words and actions. But I must admit it was good to have her in my arms. "Thanks Rach. That means alot. I feel like nobody understands me anymore." She smiles that gorgeous smile at me. If it's even possible I fell for her even harder. "Wanna go grab some coffee and talk?" She questioned. I agreed. As we walked people stared and smiled I couldn't figure out why until I realized I was still in uniform. They thought I had just gotten back from the army and to my waiting wife or girlfriend.

-People were staring at us as we walked. I knew why, and honestly that's how it felt, I mean my Finn had come back to me in one piece the only scars were mental, not thank God, physical. He put his arm around me, I smiled and leaned into him.

-It literally felt like that though I felt relieved that I finally got to see her again. So I couldn't help it anymore I put my arm around her expecting her to pull away. But surprisingly she leaned in, I couldn't fight my huge smile from spreading across my face. When we reached the coffee shop I held open the door for her, then pulled out her chair. "Thanks Finn." I ordered a French vanilla coffee, her favorite and a peppermint mocha for me.

-We talked about a lot of things it started out simple. Talking about our lives after graduation. I learned that Finn had been in the army for 3 years and was having trouble dealing with the nightmares. I could tell I was the first person he ever told. I felt flattered that even after all this time he still trusts me. And I still trust him completely. I told him how I made it to broadway, but it wasn't easy. He asked me about it all and we talked forever. I told him about Klaine and Brittana's plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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