13. Rima: Skyworld

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I look past Jay, but all I see is black. A square of black behind him, a black different from the black around us, but black nonetheless. I want to weep.

Black, not blue. Where is the sky?

I climb the stairs toward Jay, my feet heavy, my hand gripping the iron rail.

And then I understand. Behind Jay I can see it now, the sky, the deep black of what must be night, not the false night of the tunnels or my cavehome, but the true night of Skyworld, a rich night sky speckled with brilliance, a night loaded with stars as tiny to my eye as my nanites, so small I can blot out thousands of them just by raising my hand.

A sound escapes me, a sigh.

Above me Jay says, in a way that takes my breath, "It's beautiful."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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