stay are beautiful no matter what:here are some more quotes:

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what's wrong with me..all I think about is hurting myself and about how terrible my self image is what have I a living monster

the same girl that smiles and talks non stop is the one who cries herself to sleep at night

there comes a moment when you dont want to stop. when you dont want to get better.  you just dont care anymore

I hate this im here but im not like someones cares but they dont like I belong somewhere else..somwhere thats not here

she hurt her skin like everyone did to her heart

all this time I was finding myself and I didnt know I was lost

her world was a mess so she lost herself in a wonderland of madness

they tell you to be yourself but then they judge you

no matter what anyone does or says I always feel like im not good enough my memories haunt me

stars cant shine without darkness

90% of the time I dont show my true emotion

isnt it sad when the first time we took a blade to our skin we asked ourself should I do it but now after all this time we ask how much will be enough

love is louder than self harm

you're not alone I promise

even if you stumble you are still moving foward

self harm quotesWhere stories live. Discover now