Chapter 5

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I head to the old oak tree where Father used to make me execute his enemies. He was proud, I think. It is quite odd how I accept his death so quickly. Perhaps it was because we never really loved each other. The Poison does not allow me to have any unnecessary emotions.

I am glad I left Bailey. It is better this way. If I had stayed with him, my compassion for him would have grown.

Not that I had any in the first place. I hate him. Don't I?

I clip my bag to my belt hook and make sure the clasp is tight. It is. My smile becomes a real smile.

I run. The wind pounds my face. My eyes burn. I pump my legs. My smile becomes a grin. I run and I can't stop. I don't want to stop. My feet hit the dirt path hard.

I hear a different sound than mine. A small thump. I accelerate my pace and a few more fall before they fall in time with my pace. There is someone behind me. If I look behind me, the person will know that I'm on to them.

Such a shame. Now running is ruined for me. Every time I will run, I will think of someone following me. Running was the thing that I actually enjoyed.

I finally decide I should confront this person. I suddenly turn around and sprint. My follower is surprised, for my sprint is 50 mph when I'm not trying. I tackle him to the ground and bring out my dagger. I press it against his throat.

The follower lets out a surprised grunt. I'd know that grunt anywhere. My follower is Bailey.

"Let me up, will you," He grunts, "why'd you leave without me?" He tries to push my arm away but I hold it firm. He scowls.

My smile has returned to normal. "I can kill you and leave your corpse to the maggots," I say without emotion.

He scoffs. "I know you wouldn't really do that. We're brothers," he teases.

How can he think I'm teasing? Of course I'll kill him. He's spouting nonsense. Does he think me a fool?

I think he sees the anger in my eyes because he sighs. Good. His submission will make it easier to kill him. I think of the way he will scream. The way he'll beg me to stop. The light in his eyes fading as he grows still.

I grin at him. Die brother, die. I toss away the dagger. I want to kill him with my bare hands. I grip his throat with my hands. He doesn't scream. He doesn't beg me to release him. He stares steadily into my eyes. I hate him.

"You don't really want to kill me do you?" he asks, his voice strong. Of course I do. It's what brothers do, that's what Father told me.

"Of course I do," I growl. I barely recognize my voice anymore. I press deeper with my thumbs. His face turns pale. About time it did. If I were wearing my contacts, my eyes would be amber slits by now.

"Why? Why do you hate me?" He asks. My anger evaporates. Oh, I had been caught in another of my unreasonable anger waves.

"Isn't that that what brothers are supposed to do? Shouldn't the elder brother hate the younger one so much that it gives the elder brother a murderous intention?" I ask, truly perplexed.

He gives me a look of contempt. "Where did you ever learn that from?" He asks. I let him up and retrieve my dagger.

"From Father of course. Is this not correct?" Father wasn't wrong was he?

"Um, of course it isn't. Brothers are supposed to love and protect each other, not kill," he says.

I remain silent. If Father lied about that, what else did he lie about?

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