O the blood (Kari Jobe)

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Kari Jobe...she has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my life. I mean, I've heard amazing singers, but no one, no one, can compare to Kari Jobe. That woman has a gift, and she chooses it to worship God. How amazing is that?

This song, this song just speaks to my heart, and I fall in love with Jesus all over again. When you see the video, you'll see every person in the crowd, praising God, and singing along. One day, when I see Kari Jobe live, I'll do the same. It's hard not to sing. After awhile, you'll start singing too. It's a fact, you can't NOT sing it.

My mom is so lucky, she went and saw her live! I'm so jealous! I love Kari Jobe! I heard she's even better live! Oh well, I'll see her one day.

The chorus is what gets me everytime. It really speaks to my heart, and I can feel God tugging at my heart, at least that's how it feels. It's a good feeling(;

Here's the lyrics. Just wait, you'll start singing along. I did after I first listened to it. :) it's normal.

"O the blood

Crimson love

Price of life's demand

Shameful sin

Placed on Him

The Hope of every man

O the blood of Jesus washes me

O the blood of Jesus shed for me

What a sacrifice that saved my life

Yes, the blood, it is my victory

Savior Son

Holy One

Slain so I can live

See the Lamb

The great I Am

Who takes away my sin

O the blood of the Lamb

O the blood of the Lamb

O the blood of the Lamb

The precious blood of the Lamb

What a sacrifice

That saved my life

Yes, the blood, it is my victory

O what love

No greater love

Grace, how can it be

That in my sin

Yes, even then

He shed His blood for me."

You're probably singing now(; it's okay, go ahead and praise God. You know you want to. And you have to agree, Kari Jobe's voice is amazing. <3

Plenty more to come! They get better! :)

Xoxoxo, Jessalyn(;

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