Chapter Seventeen: Fall to Pieces

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         Sabella had cried herself to sleep in Niall’s arms in the guest room of Harry’s house. She woke with a start and noticed Niall had changed her into one of his shirts for comfort and that he was sleeping curled around her in nothing more than his boxers. A broken sob reached her ears causing her to gently exit Niall’s arms.

            The brunette padded lightly towards the door and followed the sounds to realize it was Harry in his room. He had waited until everyone was asleep to allow himself to break down. Sabella sighed as she opened his door to see him in a corner, knees drawn up, fistfuls of his hair in his hands, and tears streaming down his face. The creaking of his door made his eyes look up to see Sabella.

“Sabella.” Harry croaked reaching one of his hands out towards her.

            Running to him Sabella kneeled and pushed between his knees to hold him. Harry grabbed onto her with both hands and held fast. He was holding onto the one person who knew him better than he could ever know himself. He sobbed into her chest in pain. He mourned for the loss of his best mate.

“I sent him into battle so it is just the same as me killing him. His blood is on my hands and I cannot seem to wash them enough to rid them of the stain.” Harry choked out in agony.

“Shh, my love, shh. Everything will be alright. We will get through this, Harry.” Sabella attempted to soothe while stroking his hair and back.

            Harry continued to cry and cling to Sabella. He was wallowing in his pain, in his loss, letting all the pent of feeling flow freely. He was broken, torn at the seams, and the only thing holding him partially together was her. He needed her more than anything in this world and so he clung to her.

“Let’s get you to bed, Harry.” Sabella cooed pulling him up with her.

            Harry followed her to his bed and climbed in waiting for her to follow. Sabella smiled tenderly and crawled in. As soon as her back touched the sheets Harry was on her. He swung a leg over hers, an arm over her stomach, and laid his head on her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair soothingly and let her other hand dance along his arm. It wasn’t long before Harry was sleeping soundly.

            Sabella tried to stay awake so that she could head back to her and Niall’s room before Niall woke up but found her eyelids closing on their own accord. She knew Niall would be upset and confused to wake up along in bed but she couldn’t find the strength to move. Sabella decided she would deal with the situation when it came to pass.

            Zayn tossed and turned in bed until he sat straight up. He couldn’t sleep. He wished he could but the nightmare of Louis bleeding out and dying continued to play before his eyes every time he closed them. He shouldn’t have asked Ashton for a description of everything that happened. It only tortured him further and broke his resolve. Louis was never going to make a witty comment about their sex lives or bitch about the bar tab ever again. Louis, his best mate, was gone.

            Groaning with pain and frustration the tanned skinned boy looked at the clock perched upon the nightstand to see it was only just after four in the morning. He supposed it was as good a time as any for a jog to clear his mind. From the quietness of the house he figured everyone was asleep and he did not wish to disturb their peaceful slumber simply because he could not sleep. He pushed himself off of the bed and pulled on a pair of joggers, a hoodie, and jogged down the steps to pull on his sneakers. A run should do him some good.

            Sabella moaned as she woke up to see the time was just after six in the morning. She saw Harry peacefully sleeping on his stomach facing away from her. Leaning forward she pressed a kiss to his shoulder before quietly exiting the bed. She carefully walked back to her room to see Niall still asleep. She crawled into bed and kissed his cheek. He opened one eye to look at her.

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