I Can't Help

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'Shelai pov.'
"You need to be focusing on your lessons my child, strengthening your magic! Those foolish Paladins won't stand a chance." My mother croons as she runs a comb through my hair.

"Thank you mother, but I'm going to go to the arena now. I heard the new Champion is from the Tralack quadrant." I say as I stand up.

"Very well. I expect you to take a sentry." She says as we walk out of my large quarters.

"You, with me." I order one of the Sentry Bots. It follows me without hesitation and Mother and I part ways. I sigh when I think about the Paladins of Voltron. About Shiro. Does he even remember me? Probably not. He most likely has a new mate. I wish I had some way to tell him about my...predicament. Hiding a pregnancy in the early stages is easy but once I get further along my Mother and Father will notice. I near the entrance to my Father's Arena Box and the guards at the door salute me.

"Good evening Princess." Commander Thace says as he spots me.

"Hello Thace. Would you join me? I've been wanting to talk to you about Voltron." I say with a smile. He joins me and the other commanders glare at him before we walk through the dark curtains. When we pass through we're overcome by the screaming of the crowd.

"Silence!" I roar. The entire arena becomes encompassed in silence and I smile.

"Let this be an entertaining match! A reward for your hard work against the Paladins!" Cheers fill the air and I take a seat in the large throne.

"The Blade of Marmora has started working with the Paladins." Thace says quietly. I straighten up and nod.

"Good. I assume they made one of them pass the test? I hope they're alright." I mumble. Please not Shiro.

"I know what you're thinking. No, Keith went through the test." Thace says angrily.

"He's practically a child! Tell Kolivan this will not stand." I growl. Thace nods his thanks and we quiet down to watch the gladiators. The new Champion is defeated easily. Pathetic.

"I'm going to be on a cargo ship in the next few days. Father has an important shipment that he wants me to watch over and I chose you as my personal guard." I tell Thace quietly.

"Good. I've been involved in too much Blade of Marmora activity lately and someone will get suspicious soon." He says. The curtains open and a service bot offers us food and drinks. I drink the warm liquid in one gulp and smirk.

"To the Blade of Marmora."

*2 weeks later*

I groan as I heave into a waste disposal basket in my private quarters of the cargo ship.

"Take it easy. Halfling pregnancies cause more nausea than a full blooded Galra child. Claire was often sick when she carried Keith." Thace says as he comforts me. I groan as I sit the basket down and Thace presses the incinerate button. I poke the tiny bump on my stomach and rumble quietly.

"This little one is getting to be a big trouble. Someone will notice I'm pregnant soon." I tell Thace as I pick up a glass of water.

"I told the Blade of Marmora you would need to be taken soon. They don't know you're pregnant though. Most likely they would use the child for their own selfish purposes." I nod and gulp the water greedily. Alarms start going off and we jump in surprise.

"Soon huh?" I question as I stand up. I throw on my robes to cover my stomach and we step outside my quarters.

"Come, we must get to the special cargo." Thace says. I nod and we rush down the halls of the ship. The lights flash and the alarm is deafeningly loud. I yank Thace into a small nook and we hide quietly as two Galran soldiers rush by.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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