2p!England's Jealousy

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Oliver smiled happily as he looked at his bakery, <I>Wonderland Treats</I>, opened by his wife and himself. Ah yes, his lovely Name, his poppet, his love, his little Alice. She was his darling, she was all he cared about, his Alice who would be together with him in Wonderland. He had met you when you had both been in high school, you had grown close and fallen in love. He had always been good at baking but went to culinary school while she went to business school to help with his dream of opening a bakery.

It was quiet popular but had yet to get off the ground meaning it had only two workers; the two of you. You would work the cash register and waitress while Oliver baked and stocked the treats, at night you would balance the books while Oliver gathered the supplies to make his wonderful treats.

All of this on top of taking care of your house, and being together made things quiet stressful. However Oliver was about as perfect a husband as one could get and you tried your best to be good for him. He knew that you were doing this largely for him since this was his dream and would do his best to make sure you didn't ever regret it.

Which is how you ended up right now taking several cupcakes and tea to customers while Oliver was busy restocking the the treats. He made all kinds of treats but cupcakes were his specialty. You soon came upon a set of teenage boys, you didn't think anything of it as you set down their treats and tea.

"There you boys go, can I get you anything else?" You asked as they smirked looking you up and down as you blinked at them confused.

"Sure, how about your number?" One asked with a smirk.

"Or a date," another added.

"Maybe we can just go to the back and skip all those silly games though." the last of the trio added as you glared slightly but took a deep breath to keep your calm.

"As flattering as that may be, no thank you. I'm happily married." You added showing your (silver/gold) rings, the diamond and (favorite gemstone/birthstone) of your engagement ring and the heart shaped amethyst and sapphire of your wedding band that matched your husband's. You tried to pull away as they gripped your wrist and looked at one of the men glaring at him. "Let. Go." You growled, there was no way you were taking this.

"Come on little lady."

"I told you I'm married. Let me go." You said and before they could say anything else a pale scrawny hand was gripping their wrist tightly.

"I believe I heard my beautiful bride request you leave her be." Oliver growled, pink taking over the blue in his eyes. The man immediately let go of you, Oliver immediately led you away, his hand on your lower back.

"Thank you Ollie." You whispered to him as he checked you for injuries. "Oliver?" You asked as he was unusually silent before he pulled you in to roughly kiss you.

"Mine." He whispered to you, holding you close.

"Of course I am." You whispered as you noticed the pink in his eyes. "Ollie, were you jealous?" You asked shocked that he would be so.

"Yes I am." He growled holding you close, "no one is allowed to take my lovely bride away from me, my poppet, the Alice of my Wonderland." He whispered gently kissing your lips before kissing down to your neck to give you a noticeable hickey right above your top.

"Oliver, what did you do?" You asked as he smirked at you.

"Marking my territory." He said with a smirk nuzzling you. "I know I shouldn't be, you had no interest in those children, I know you love me so much. I don't know why but you do."

"Because your <I>you</I> Ollie, I love only you." You whispered as he kissed you soundly, you two had written your own wedding vows and that had been one of the lines.

"I love you so much to, my sweet." He whispered holding you tightly. "I can't wait to <I>show</I> you how much later." He added as you giggled, Oliver had shown his jealousy before, and jealous-you-are-mine sex was the best.

Here's 2p!England. I wanted to keep the fact that he is very much a gentleman but he is still a second player.

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