Chapter 1| A Navi is Born!

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A/N: Ahhhhh, I'm so nervous about writing this story, but I might as well see how this goes. >~< Anyways I should note a few things: I changed the "Mr." part of Mr.Nash to "Dr." just so he can fit the role of Dr.Hikari better, because it feels awkward writing "Mr." even though his profession would claim him to be a doctor of sorts. I hope that doesn't bother anybody, and if it does I can just change it back to what we're used to. Also, I want to apologize in advance, some characters might be OOC just because I haven't seen Tenkai Knights or read Nt Warrior in a while, and parts of their personality are kind of faint. I hope sooner or later I'll get their personalities right. ^~^'


(Year: 2031 | 3 Years in the Past)

Dr. Nash looked at the monitor in front of him. Finally finishing a project he has been working on for a few years now. He was hesitant whether or not to activate his creation yet. It was probably the most delicate program he has worked on. Making a NetNavi out of human DNA. The purpose was to see if a NetNavi was made of human DNA, if it were to feel human emotions and thus more able to work with their NetOp. However, the main reason he decided to fully go through with the experiment for so long, was to preserve a life of a dead child. He carefully tried to make sure nothing in the code would go wrong.

"Well, here goes nothing," Dr. Nash muttered as he entered the command to activate the newly made navi.

The navi slowly opened its eyes, and begun to stare at Dr.Nash. It diverted its attention away from his face to look at the rest of the lab.

"I thought I'd never see this place again," the navi muttered.

"You still have your memories then?" Dr.Nash asked.

"More or less, I still remember the important things," the navi replied, "I know my own name. I remember my parents and that they're long gone. I remember that I was terminally ill, and they tried to find ways to cure me. I remember you, your wife, and your son too. That's what I can remember from the top of my head," the navi started giggle, "I don't remember learning the word 'terminally' though."

Dr.Nash chuckled at the navi's remark, "That's probably because you're now part of the internet."

"Never thought I'd hear those words," the navi laughed, "I am now one with the internet!"

"Well, at least you're taking this whole becoming a NetNavi situation better than I expected," Dr.Nash sighed.

"I think you know I've dealt with being a guinea pig before," Ceylan replied, "You used to work with my parents didn't you? You should know too."

"Yes, I have and I do know," Dr.Nash confirmed, "They were very set on helping people with your illness, and to be honest, I believed they could've done it."

"Yeah, I thought they could've too," Ceylan muttered softly.

"I'm sorry about what happened to them," Dr.Nash said.

"The guy who caused the accident got arrested, right?" Ceylan asked.

"Sadly, he's still out there," Dr.Nash sighed, "He got away in the midst of the chaos along with his NetNavi."

"Damn," Ceylan muttered.

"Luckily nothing has really happened ever since that accident," Dr.Nash said.

"Good," Ceylan sighed.

"I guess we should address the fact you're no longer human now," Dr.Nash said.

"Oh, yeah. That," Ceylan awkwardly laughed.

"I had to make changes to your physical appearance, I hope that doesn't bother you at all," Dr.Nash said, "It was to make sure the HBD doesn't affect your data."

"I noticed," Ceylan replied, "It doesn't bother me all that much really, but. . . can you specify what you exactly changed?"

"Well, your height for one, it's just so that you look older than what you spiritually are," Dr.Nash said.

"I'm spiritually a five year old," Ceylan muttered, "For eternity, great."

"At least I made sure you don't look or speak like one," Dr. Nash sighed, "Now can I continue?"

"Sorry sir," Ceylan laughed.

"You still have your childish personality though," Dr.Nash sighed, "Now this is actually an important change your eyes are also now a different color, this change was specifically made for two reasons. The first is to prevent the virus from affecting your data, and the second is to insure that Guren doesn't recognize you."

"Wait, why shouldn't Guren recognize me?" Ceylan asked.

"I don't want him to be too scared to use you, or to expect you to be a perfect copy of what you used to be," Dr. Nash replied softly, "Which is why I want you to keep the helmet on too."

"Wait, I can take this thing off?!" Ceylan yelled while immediately placing his hands on his helmet.

Ceylan pulled the helmet off his head, revealing his messy blue hair.

"This feels much better through," Ceylan sighed.

"Normal NetNavis don't have the ability to take of their helmets," Dr.Nash commented, "This is because their AI's programming for emotions is stored in their helmets, without their helmets, they aren't able to comprehend emotions."

"Normal Navis without helmets become emotionless robots, got it," Ceylan noted.

"It'll take a few days to make sure you function well enough before I hand you over to Guren," Dr.Nash said, "If that's okay with you, that is."

"I can wait," Ceylan sighed, "I mean, I've been inactive for. . .it's 2031 right now, and I died in 2026? So I've been gone for 5 years?"

"Correct," Dr.Nash replied, "Now why don't we check if all your programs are functional, so you can be away from this lab again."

"Let's start already then," Ceylan chirped, "I'm ready for what's next!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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