~Chapter 6-Just stitched eyes?~

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You hum a made up tune, swinging your arms back and forth while heading over to Sans and Papyrus might be.

You were freezing, might even have hyperthermia, but you didn't care the slightest bit. You couldn't feel your fingers or your toes. By now, your lips started to turn a light blue and your nose and ears stayed bright red. You didn't have much warm clothing on, so you were very very cold.

No matter how much you were suffering, you wanted to enjoy your time in the snow. Who knows how long you'll get to enjoy it? Eventually, you will have to make it back to the surface and help people with their problems up there. Just not yet. Not until you're done helping every single suffering monster.

But honestly, you feel like Sans is going to be the hardest. On the outside, he smiles and laughs, making puns and being completely stupid, but you know he's broken. Every smile that falters, every hand clench, it shows his pain. You think that Papyrus really does bring out the good in Sans. He just has this innocent, sweet and charming quality that makes you want to swoon. Heck, he probably had all the ladies for all you know.

You stop in your tracks, eyes landing on Sans and Papyrus talking with smiles. You observe them from afar, watching Papyrus get really flustered and start to stomp his foot while Sans just chuckled and smirked up at his younger brother. You laugh quietly, shifting your feet to continue walking towards him. Papyrus is the first to notice you coming over, putting his gloved hand on Sans' face, careful not to touch his stitches, and pushes him over with ease. Sans hit the ground, laying there unmoving. Part of his face told you he was used to his brother doing that all the time. He tries to cover up a wince, a painful smile replacing his smirk. He doesn't pick himself up, either too lazy or something was wrong.

You wave it off for a few seconds, trying to see what Papyrus had in store for you before helping Sans up from the snow.

"HUMAN, PREPARE TO FACE THE BEST PUZZLES YOU WILL EVER COME ACROSS!" Papyrus points making cheeks bloom a dark red at how adorable you found him to be.

"Try me." You cross your arms, stopping it front of him.

He scoffs playfully, spinning around and running off to who knows where. Probably off to fix his puzzles for you, which he seemed really excited about. You watch Papyrus sprint off for a second time, a shake of your head and a small giggle passing through your blue lips. Turning all of your attention to the skeleton laying in the snow, you hold out your hand. He gives a grateful smile over his painful one, reaching up and lacing his fingers with yours as you pull him up from the frozen water.

He grunts in agony, pulling it off as you were just helping him up. He keeps his body slumped over for a few seconds before slowly straightening himself up. You watch him with curious glazed eyes, lips tightening into a straight line and eyebrows scrunching together. Something wasn't right about this guy.

He reaches up and pulls his hoodie hat back over his head since it had fallen off, cheekbones burning a dark gray. You shake off the uneasy gut churning feeling, giving him a playful smile. He keeps his head down, trying to hide his blush that has practically taken over his whole face by now. You didn't know he could be so easily embarrassed.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem in pain." You put a hand to his covered shoulder-blade.

He sighs, lifting up his head and ignoring the blush. If he had eyes or any kind of pin-pricks, you were pretty sure they would be shining with hurt. He looks away, putting a hand to his chest and winces once again.

Stitched Wounds (Understitch!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now