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Hey what's up my name is Lex. I have pastel pink hair fading into blue that reaches down to my waist. I'm what they like to call emo. I love bands such as MIW, PTV, SWS, BOTDF, MCR, ect but my all time favorite band is Black veil brides. XD I'm only 18, so that means I'm only stuck in this hellhole for one more year. i forgot to mention I am a orphan. I've been here since I was 7, it's because my mother never loved me and my father wanted nothing to do with me.

"Hey Lex, are you going down for adoptions?" my best friend Max asked. "NO, whats the point no one wants me." Everyone wants the younger normal kids. I thought to myself. "Well I think its going to be different this time." Max said "Ok, ok maybe it might be but I highly doubt it. Get out I have to change, for this stupid shit." I said as I pushed him out the door. I quickly threw on a black t-shirt that said fuck, ripped black skinny jeans, red flannel around my waist, my black vans and a black beanie. I went into the bathroom and did my normal makeup, which is just some cover up, black lipstick and a thick cat eye. i then curled my hair and changed my gauges to some batman plugs. "ALL GIRLS 12-18 COME TO THE COMMONS." yelled the bitch AKA Mrs. Loran. So I headed downstairs and got in line with everyone else. I pulled out my phone and went on twitter. As I started to scroll through my feed a bunch of people stopped in front of me. I looked up to find ........ BLACK VEIL BRIDES. "Hey, we would like to know if you wanted us to adopt you?" Andy said. Holy shit his voice is even sexier in real life. " yea." I managed to stutter out. I mentally slapped myself, what a great first impression. "Cool, why don't you go get your stuff and I'll go sign the papers. The boys can go with you ad help pack." Andy replied. " So um.... Where's your room?" Jake asked "Just upstairs, follow moe." I said. All the boys followed behind me. As I entered the room I found Max sitting on my bed. I ran over to him and tackled him. "You little fucker you know they were coming didn't you?" I yelled at him "Duh." he said. "So can you guy pack my posters and clothes? I can get the bathroom stuff." I said to the boys. "Yea sure." the said at the same time. Well that was creepy, I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom. I quickly gathered all of my shit and threw it into my bag. "You ready to go?" Jinxx asked "Yep" I said. Then all of a sudden CC ran up to me and threw me over his shoulder. As he ran downstairs I screamed "GOODBYE MOTHER FUCKERS!" As CC ran out the door I heard Andy say "What the fuck"

CC placed me down in their bus and soon everyone else came in. "So we are on tour right and we won't be home for another 6 months. I'll bring you to your bunk." Ashley said. "Sweet" I guess I'm stuck on a bus for 6 months. Great :/

Adopted by Black Veil BridesWhere stories live. Discover now