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  This time, he was the first at their spot.

  But he had no problem waiting for her. She was worth the wait.

  He didn't have to wait much, though, because soon enough, she came running towards him.

  "Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Rainy!" he chuckled and stood up.

  She stopped in front of him and laughed breathlessly. "That was some good exercise, though."

  "Are you okay?" he smiled at her.

  "Yeah, I'm good."

  "Why were you running?"

"I'm excited, " she grinned, her hands behind her back. "Guess what happened?"

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "Another guessing game? Alright, um...you ate food?"

"Well, yeah. Food is life. But that's not what I'm talking about, " she said and he chuckled.

"Then what are you talking about?"

She smiled and revealed what was in her hands.

  "Oh, your book, " he gently took it from her hands and looked over it.

  "Yes, " she nodded. "I finished reading it."

  His eyes widened. "Oh! You did?"

  She nodded again, her smile only increasing.

  "Well...well, t–tell me all about it, " he stuttered out. "Here, let's sit down."

"Okay. " She sat beside him, their legs touching.

He felt his hand twitch again, leaning towards hers, but he fought the need.

She took a deep breath and began speaking, explaining. And he listened intently.

He watched as the words rolled off her tongue and the joy that followed.

  He admired the passion that seemed to radiate from her.

  He cherished the happiness that she shared with him.

  His eyes never averted from her, not even once. But then...

  She touched his hand.


  Physically touched.

  That wasn't even the best part! No, after that, she grabbed his hand!

  Grabbed his hand!

  And held it!

  She continued talking about her book but he couldn't focus anymore. He was so astonished! By her and by himself.

  He couldn't believe she was actually holding his hand.

  He couldn't believe how happy he was.

  So happy that he began to lean in...


  And closer...

  Until his lips were only an inch away from her cheek.

He paused, because he wasn't sure if she would be okay with it. Her eyes were open, her lips were closed, and her breathing was shallow.

But then, she closed her eyes. And a smile spread across her face.

There, in that moment, he knew she felt the same way as him. So, he took the chance and kissed her cheek.

His lips lingered on her soft skin for a second before slowly pulling away.

As the moment faded, he began to feel embarrassed by such a bold move. She, on the other hand, was happy out of her mind.

  She did notice the uncertainty and the sheepishness in his expression. So, she lightly squeezed his hand. "Cig?"

  "Yeah?" he murmured back.

  "Look at me."

  He gulped and glanced up at her. Smiling, she slowly lifted his head and held his face in her hands.

  Then, she was the one who leaned in.

  She got closer...

  And closer...

  Until her lips were only an inch away from his cheek.

  But she didn't hesitate from closing the space between them. She kissed his cheek with the utmost care that she could muster.

  With that simple gesture, he felt his heart warm and his body felt light. Like he was floating on air in complete ecstasy.

  She smiled and embraced him tightly. He chuckled, hugging her back.

   "Stay with me forever, Rainy?" he whispered in her ear.

  "Yes, " she sighed. "Forever."

  This was the beginning of their hearts. Of their promises. Of their love.

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