The Begining Of Mass Death

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(if you are not over 16 please stop reading this story. based off of the nazi zombie storyline and left for dead one and two)

"They say that it all started in Green Island, Heatly School, but that is a lie. In a TOP SECRET Laboratory, where there was this chemical radiation that was attracted to this dig site, which made a strange creature. A Nazi Zombie. It broke out, and infected the Nazi German Army. Dr. Robert and Dr. Max were working on an experiment to make super soldiers so that they could win the war. They were so close to completion, then the experiment was sabotaged which created the element called, Element 115. Element 115 was the radiation. NOVA 6 was added to the experiment which is what was used to sabotage the experiment. The Obelisk was activated, and Dr. Max's daughter, Sally, was inside it. This means she was in control of all of the zombies. She was just a child, she didn't know better. One of the scientists escaped, the other died... At least... That's what they thought... Years have passed, some group stopped it, Dr. Robert is in jail, The Obelisk is OFFLINE, testing continued, me and my wife, Greenland Koch are immortal, and our son is okay... He is 18 years old, graduating on June 24th, 2025. 01101001 01100110 01100001 01101110 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101 01100011 01100001 01101110 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 01100111 01101111 01110100 01101111 01000100 01100101 01110010 01010010 01101001 01100101 01110011 01100101 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 01110101 01110011"


-Dr. Valenti, September 8th, 2025, Headmaster of [CLASSIFIED], and Member of Clan 539, Last Seen: Area 51, September 11th, 2025.

It is Monday, September 11th, 2025, my name is Mark, and this is my story. I am a 12th grader. I am depressed, lonely, forever alone, I have anger issues, ADHD, OCD, psychosis, MPD, and schizophrenia. I am emo, acrobatic, a badass, I am son of Tauren Valenti and Greenland Koch, and I am fucking psychotic, according to my classmates. I don't have many friends. Most of the school just picks on me. Say I'm annoying, an emo faggot, etc. Ever since pre-school, really. I have to be forced to live in Green Island because of my parent's jobs are nearby. I have no clue where they work. I didn't really care. That is pretty much the gist of it. Now, that you know who I am, here is my story.

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. I had cheese pizza for breakfast (I would have had cake but we ran out... I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW!!!!). Anyway, today were the finals. OOOOH HELLS NO! Anyway... I didn't want to go back there. Not because of the exams, for reasons that I will NOT state. Maybe some other time.

They made their way towards Heatly Elementary School. The students in 12th grade were taking a SUPER LONG SOCIAL STUDIES, MATH, ELA, READING, WRITING, AND SPELLING EXAM!!!! That's when at 1:15 they arrived, luckily that was when everyone was at the harder questions. The announcements came on, "HELLO STUDENTS SORRY FOR THE INTERRUPTION BUT WE ARE NOW IN LOCKDOWN. I REPEAT LOCKDOWN! AAAAAAAAAAAH!-" The announcer on the loud-speaker screamed in terror as the microphone was shoved up her ass by a very hungry Nazi Zombie. Her flesh was ripped from her dark black body. The razor sharp teeth tore it to pieces and dug into her tedious, disgusting, fat, black body. Blood poured from her ass and she screeched for help. But nobody came. Her brain was ripped out from her skull. Her bones were breaking. This was a special type of zombie. It is a very rare "albino" zombie. It had intelligence and was controlled by no one other than it's hunger. Many zombies mutated when they were sent to Agatha. Anyway, back to the story. "What's going on? Alyssa said. "Yeah?!!?" Morgyn replied. The teacher was about to shut the door, and that's when 10 zombies charged in. Of course I decided to be a badass and take out my pens and pencils and start killing them. I jumped up from my desk and slashed the pencil through the zombie's throat and then used my other pencil and stabbed the zombie through the side of it's head. My "friends" helped me kill off the other zombies. Everyone escaped the classroom. That's when we heard something down the hall. "GRRAWR!" There were a horde of zombies walking up the stairs. People splitted up into groups. I went with my "friends" of course. Mark, and his "friends", Kiki, Yatte, Raema, Ryan, Jake, Nick, and Austin, tried to escape. It was hard because they had no weapons... Luckily Ryan had some guns in his locker... I didn't dare ask why... Well he had enough for all of us at least. So we fought our way to the exit of the school. We were all out of ammo, so it was pretty challenging to escape to Ryan's house. Once we got there, we grabbed weapons, and head towards his truck. Mark prayed that his parents were okay. "Let's go to my house." Mark said. "Okay." Ryan replied.

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