a new beginning

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Donny lewis as Rameez....love his eyes😍😍😍

Welcome aboard.....you are about to join another ride with alishba and probably Ryan or not Ryan......

Good luck with your reading....

And I just thought that if you guyz wanted you can send me banners or covers or whatever that you guyz like to send related to this....

On with the chapter....

Alishba pov:

(Two weeks later)

Life was not simple since I left but it was going. I bought a nice apartment from my savings and found a good paying job at sheikh's holdings as the PA of CEO. But when I said life was not simple I did not mean financially, I ment emotionally and mentally. My mind was a mess. No matter how much I tried I could not stop crying in self-pity. I was being pathetic crying over something that did not belonged to me in the first place. Often nights I would wonder where he would be. Was he happy? Who was he with? Was he with his ex? As those thoughts invade my brain I would curse myself for thinking of him.

That man lied to me, played with my emotions, heart. He fucked up my mind into thinking that he loved me. He was after money, wealth. He can never love someone. But no matter these thoughts my traitorous heart would yearn him. Want him beside it. If only I had not fallen in love, all this would have been simple. The pain I felt every night as I lay on my bed alone. In mornings, I would keep myself distracted with work often doing overtimes just to keep my mind away from his thoughts. I hated him for this. I hated him for making me think he loved me. I hated him for ruining me. I hate him for leaving me. I hated him for wanting me for my money. I hated him because he made me fall in love with him.


The alarm beeped making me realize it is time to get up. I did not know why I put an alarm when I lay awake whole night. I am missing on most of my sleep and I could feel it when I'm in the office. With my mind distracted with work I often fell asleep. But thanks to Mr. Ahmed. That old man is the most I kindest I've ever met. He knew why I was here and he seem sympathetic with me. Although I did not like pity but he haad also given me fatherly love which I was missing since I came here. But I know this can not go long. I had to move on and be strong. I'm however glad that I'm not behind schedule at work or it might cost a lot to company. I always made up to the time I slept.

The phone beeping got me out of my thoughts. Picking it up it was Mr. Ahmed. "Hello, good morning, Mr. Ahmed." I said into the phone as I made my way to the closet.

"Good morning dear, I called to remind you that you can take your day off today since you have an appointment with doctor. And recently you've been outdoing yourself in office. You can rest." I frowned at his words. I can not take a day off. "Mr. Ahmed, I can't take a day off. I need distraction. I'll be there as soon as the appointment with doctor is over." I heard a sigh before Mr. Ahmed spoke, "it's okay, beside I'll be introducing-" I covered my mouth as my stomach churned with acid making it's way to my mouth. I ran to bathroom emptying my stomach. The sudden action making me dizzy. Getting up I wiped my mouth and held my phone back. "Yes Mr. Ahmad, you were saying?" My voice was scratchy and throat ached. "I was saying you are taking a day off and resting. And see a doctor soon. Your sickness is getting worse." I sighed as I did not answer him and said goodbye.

Brushing my teeth and taking a shower I went in closet to change. Since I won't be going to office today I decided on simple pair of jeans and a long baggy top. Setting my hijab I made my way to kitchen and decided on a light breakfast since I felt my stomach could not take something heavy. I took my breakfast silently pondering over my life. I still don't know what I'll do with my life. I'm just going with the flow right now. I miss my old life, I miss everyone. And that reminds me I have to call dad. I have not called anyone since I arrived here.

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