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Helooo my lovely readers nd supporters....

I'm supper pissed....can you gyz believe it... I wrote two chapters offline and then my stupid brother deleted this app because I deleted his game, so as a payback he deleted it without me knowing and then when I downloaded it agaiin and  logged in to see my stories.....the chapters were gone....two chapters were gone that I was suppose to update on first of august but it took ne longer....

I'm sorry for the typos  in advance....

So I'm sincerely sorry if you felt like I'm bad writer.... I had no control...also my wifi got off unexpectedly...and that also contributed in the delay...but let's get on with the chapter..

And just a warning, there might be some offensive words.... I hope you don't take it seriously... it's just fiction....

Alishba pov:

I felt like the world just stopped. My mind went blank as I stared at the wall in front of me. My phone long forgotten as it slipped my hand and crashed on the floor.

I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant.

The mantra played in my mind repeatedly. As if it would change the truth. I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a mother and I haven't even gotten over my past. Tears were streaming down as I realised my vision was blury. Unconsciously my hand went to my tummy and more tear streamed down. My baby won't have father love. He won't know about his father.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing and I snapped out of my trance. Wiping my face, I went towards the door. More like stumbled as my mind was still jumbled and confused. Taking deep breaths to calm myself i opened the door. Mr. Aziz greeted me with a worried expression, "hello, Mr. Aziz. Is everything alright?" I asked and he frowned looking me up down as if making sure I'm fine or not. "I should be asking you that, girl. Its eight and you haven't came out. Are you feeling well. Do you want me to call a doctor?" He finished my eyes widen, makng me glance at my watch and curse inwardly. I was late. I had to be there by 7 30.

"Thank you Mr. Aziz, I didn't notice the time." Mr. Aziz looked me suspiciously as I looked away to avoid him reading me. "You don't look fine. Why don't you take a break from work. You have been working non stop." I shook my head quickly, "no, Mr. Aziz I am fine. I was caught up with doctor that's all. Thank you. And bye. I Will get late." He nodded reluctantly and left. I hurriedly gathered my belongings and left. Breakfast long forgotten. Honestly, the news just made me loose my appetite. Getting in my car I drove through the roads and reached my office in half an hour.

My heart was racing with anxiety, what a impression to make on the new boss and on first day. I passed by receptionist, Claire. "Hey, Alishba, the new boss said to send you to him once you arrive." I bit my lip, who knows that freak might nit be like Mr. Ahmed, my former boss. Just on cue the devil spoke from behind me. "Ms. Alishba, my office." I turned around and saw him already moving into his office. Guess I had to follow him. With a heavy sigh I waved at Claire who gave me a thumbs up and a wink. Rolling my eyes I made my way towards the office.

Claire is one bubbly girl. She doesn't let a chance pass by where she could find me a boy to be with. She says and I quote, "girl you're not getting any younger. I want nieces and nephews before I turn thirty." I had choked on my food when she said that. You guessed it, she had no filter. I wanted to laugh at the irony, she was having her wish fulfilled.

Knocking at rhe door, I walked in after hearing a faint come in. Mr. Rameez was sitting behind his desk typing through his laptop. Once I was in, he looked me and gave me his full attention. His stare was unnerving, as if he wants to intimidate me. But i am not backing down. I might loose my job but hell I won't go down without a fight.

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