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Narrator's POV

Omg stop stop stop

were the only thoughts (Y/n) had while screaming her lungs out, eyes clamped shut. "Hahahaha~" Jae on the other hand was having the time of her life and started laughing the moment she caught a glimpse of (y/n)'s reaction. The ride suddenly slowed down as it arrived at a steep inclination. Surely it wasn't as high as the previous one. But being on the ride in person made what (y/n) saw from the ground seem false.

"(Y/N)! SAVE ME!" Hoseok shouted from his seat. "I CAN'T. I NEED SAVING TOO!" (Y/n)'s strained her voice, trying to fight the sound of the blowing cold wind as well as the creaking sound from the ride climbing up the track.

Moving up the track, everyone was forced to face the now slightly cloudy sky.

The sky was exactly like this too...when i first met (y/n)... He thought, memories of that day flooding back.


Sitting on this machine was terrifying enough but being right at the front row was a entirely different story. Seeing the container-like cabin "eat" up the track slowly, increased the anxiousness building up at the pit of (y/n)'s stomach. She could see the distance to the peak of the track getting shorter and shorter by the second.

Without thinking, she grabbed whoever was beside her with her left hand while gripping onto the cold metal bar in front of her with the other. (Y/n) was using so much strength her knuckles turned white. Suddenly she felt warmth envelope her hand.

A soothing voice saying, "don't worry," was all (y/n) heard before she felt her stomach drop from the pressure. The cold air was beating on her face ruthlessly, making her unable to open her eyes. All (y/n) managed was a squint.

Jae was still laughing her head off and enjoying the thrill of the drop. Loud screams could be heard from behind while (y/n) wanted to scream but no sound came out.

"Ah~" was all (y/n) could manage as the ride came to a slow stop. She took a deep breath and exhaled out slowly in an attempt to slow her heartrate.

"Are you okay?" The smooth voice asked me, and then it finally registered who it was. Jimin. "M-mhm yes," (y/n) replied hesitantly as he helped you out of the ride.

"Uhm, Jimin?" You called out to him.


You switched your gaze to both your still-intertwined hands. It sure wasn't helping with slowing down your heartrate. He let go of you quickly and apologised.


"So how was it?!" Jae tugged at (y/n)'s arm. "FUN RIGHT?"

(Y/n) smiled and laughed to humour Jae, "Ha~ it was scary."

"I know!" Hoseok chimed in. He still had this dazed look in his eyes, probably from too much "thrill" just now. "I'm never going near a rollercoaster again."

"I'm with you, Hoseok," (y/n) agreed and highfived him. "You guys are no fun," Jae stuck out her tongue at me.

"But what was that about?" Jae asked (y/n) softly after Hoseok walked away to join the others. "What was what about?"

"Eh this...?" She said intertwining both her hands right in front of (y/n)'s face. Just the thought of what happened made (y/n)'s heartrate increase again. She immediately pulled Jae's hand down to avoid anyone seeing that little hand gesture that Jae just did. "It was nothing," (y/n) pulled the poker face on Jae. But the tinge of pink on her cheeks gave things away.

"That's the fakest poker face i've ever seen (y/n). Come on (y/n). Spill it." She asked seriously.

"Really! It was nothing. I just grabbed him accidentally and he just offered some comfort to me. That's all."

She just looked at me in silence, face obviously showing her analysing my response.

"I'm serious!" (Y/n) raised both her hand in surrender. "Fine i believe you," breaking out into a smile once again. "But..." she leaned in to whisper into my ear, "Amelia didn't look to happy about it."


"Let's go find someplace to eat. I'm hungry," Jin said out loud before a grumble could be heard from his stomach, earning a laugh from everyone.

"Ah~ this place looks nice!" Namjoon put both hands at his waist as he stood outside a traditional Japanese restaurant. "Is this place okay with you guys?"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison. "Great, let's go in kids," he said as he slid open the wooden door.

Dear customers,

Kindly remove your footwear before entering.

Thank you.

Everyone removed their shoes, placing them neatly side by side before entering.


Since more than 6 people were present, the waitress led the whole group to a cubicle-like room. It was zen-styled and had a heater at the side. Everyone sat round the wooden table randomly.

So the sitting arrangement was like this:

(Y/n), Jae, V, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, Amelia, Jimin, Jungkook then Suga

After about 10 minutes, the waitress in a kimono appeared by the wooden sliding door with a tiny notebook. "Good afternoon, would you like to order?" The waitress was sweet looking and she looked really good in the Japanese traditional costume.

"Yes please," Namjoon raised his hand slightly with a smirky-smile and the waitress walked over to him. Everyone knew what that smile meant. Jin nudged him in the arm sending him a silent "no".


(Y/n)'s POV

Having the sudden urgency to use the toilet, you excused yourself. You asked the same waitress where the toilet was at and she kindly led you to it. Quickly thanking her, you entered the toilet and relieved yourself.

As you came out of the cubicle, you washed your hands and heard someone say, "hi" behind you. You got a shock and looked at the mirror to see Amelia in the reflection.

"Oh hi..."

Amelia stared hard at you before opening her mouth to speak, "i need a favour."

"What is it?" You asked flicking your hand dry in the basin before pulling a paper towel to dab your hands dry.

"Stay away from Jimin."


YASS CHAP 20! This update was so late omg. Sorrehhh>< i had tests this week and had to study😅 haiz school.

Thanks for reading though!

Signing off,

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