1 Gloom Boys

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On the drive home from Awsten's was all I could think about.

"Flo. You look like you have something on your mind... care to tell me what it is?" My aunt asked

"It's nothing." I quickly replied. It was obvious that I was lying to her.

"Flo.... be honest.." she replied

"No... I can't.. you'll kill me..." i sighed

"Please tell me you've not grown an attraction to the Knights boy." She rolled her eyes at the thought of me and him.

"Um...... maybe" I said with a high pitched voice.

"God Damnit Florence! You can't goof around with that kid. He's bad news." She sighed

"What's wrong with him? He seemed really nice" I responded

"That was just an act to impress you probably." My aunt said

"Then he definitely impressed me.." I replied

"Florence, please don't fall for this kid. I kid you not he's bad news. I mean he has blue hair!" My aunt yelled

"It's not your choice of who I grow attractive too. You can't force me to instantly fall in love with someone I don't even know or like. I was forced to come here so at least let me live!" I yelled while walking out of the car door. I'm so done with family. Can't they see I'm not fit to be royal. To be honest I'd rather be normal then royal.

I began to walk in the direction of what I think was the city. I just want to be alone. Away from the pressure of royalty. My aunt began to call me. I didn't respond... instead I kept on walking towards the city.

Once I got there I decided to look around but me being a clumsy ass I bumped into someone instead.

I looked up to say sorry but then I realized it was Awsten.

"You just keep on coming back princess" he smiled

"Oh thank god it's you" I sighed in relief

His face fell when he saw that I was crying earlier.

He placed his thumbs over my cheeks and gave me a weak smile.

"What's the matter princess?' He asked

"Oh it's nothing.." I lied. It was everything that was the problem.

"Oh your eyes tell me other wise. How about I take you over to my friends house and calm you down there" he smiled while grabbing my hand

"I'd love that" I smiled

I rested my head on his shoulder while we walked towards some nice flats around the corner.

He knocked on the door really hardly and a tall guy with curly hair opened the door and just waved as if he was inviting us in.

Awsten shut the door behind him and instantly sat down with me to talk.

"Babe, what's wrong" he asked as if he was trying to comfort me.

"It's just that my family is uhhh." I was to mad to talk right now

"Did they ship you here to marry royalty?" He asked

"H-how did you know?"

"Trust me. Why do you think I don't have a accent?" He laughed

"Same situation?" I questioned

"My sisters in it right now..." he sighed

The room got silent until Awsten broke it

"Look... you don't have to be royal. You have me who is the next best thing" he said while wearing a big smile

He lightly kissed me on the face to reassure me everything's going to be okay.

God he makes me feel so happy on a gloom day

Royal. // Awsten Knight Where stories live. Discover now