Please Don't Cry

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"David, please! Just go!" Vivian screams, pissed at the vocalist he thought was his friend.

"Fine!! I'll go and never come back!!!" David hollers as he grabs his stuff. "By the way, I didn't cheat on you. I love you too much, darling," he smirks as he heads for the door.

With those words, David leaves and Vivian is alone. Realizing what he did, he chases after his former lover. "David, wait. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Vivian says with tears in his eyes.

"Sorry darling, our fate is sealed," David replies, getting in his car.

A few days later, the two rockstars are playing with their respective bands at the Monsters of Rock festival.

"Hey, Viv, who's that?" Phil, Def Leppard's other guitarist asks, not knowing Vivian is drunk. "I don't know," he replies before setting his guitar down and walking over.

"Hi. I'm one of the roadies," the other man tells Vivian.

"Hi," he smiles. The roadie then shoves Viv against an amp and tries to rape him just as David walks past. "No. No," Vivian mutters.

David storms over and pulls the roadie off Vivian, causing him to fall to the ground. "Darling, I'm sorry I left you like that." he cries, pulling the drunk guitarist into his arms.

"That...that man touched me," Vivian mutters, setting David off.

He gently lays Vivian down and walks over to the roadie, whose name is Pete. "What did you do to him?!?!" he hollers, angrier than ever.

"I didn't do anything, I swear," Pete tells David, scared. David glances back at Vivian and catches a bruise on his hip.

"I don't believe you, roadie." he hisses, grabbing Pete by his neck and shoving him against a wall.

"Okay, okay. I tried to rape him. Just let me go and I'll leave," Pete says, causing David to drop him hard.

"I better not see your face EVER again, understand?" David scolds. Once Pete runs off, David goes back to his lover. "Vivian, are you okay darling?" he asks, pulling the dark-haired Irish guitarist close.

"Yeah." Vivian smiles before he lays his head on David's shoulder and sleeps.

A few hours go by and Vivian wakes up to David holding him. "How are you feeling, darling?" he asks quietly.

"Better. I'm sorry I got mad at you. Forgive me?" Vivian pleads.

"Of course I do darling. You mean the world to me." David smiles, kissing Vivian's forehead.

Once both bands have played, they head back to the hotel together. "Babe, thank you for what you did earlier. I love you." Vivian smiles as he kisses his lover.

Crying In The Rain: A Vivian Campbell/David Coverdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now