Chapter One: New Girl

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Stretching I yawned as I squirmed on my bed, the sun hitting me as it kept me warm through the bitey attic-like room I'm sleeping in.

Lazily I looked at my watch and my eyes widened before I sat up - I'm late. For my first day - and I live here... nothing's really changed then.

Grinning I lazily climbed off of my bed and went through my duffel bag, pulling out a button up strapless black... shirt... thing I guess, a black blazer and a black skirt. Hopefully that's in the school uniform range, if it isn't - it sucks to be them really. Dressing I put some black flats on, grabbed a small black journal book, a pen that I put in my blazer breast pocket and then my Black Butler playing cards that went into the inside pocket of my blazer.

I walked out of my room, staring at the schedule that had been sent to my phone and ventured off to find my class at 'Supernatural Academy' - very original, I know (that was sarcasm). But to humans this Boarding school - or Academy is called 'Saints Academy', which I don't get. We're hardly saints here.

 Walking around the corridors I find some random class room and I poked my head inside, looked around and made a face at everyone who stared at me in confusion, "Nope" 

I moved backwards, closing the door before I tried the next one, opening the teacher stopped talking and turned to me with an annoyed look, "Miss Dupont, I presume"

"You presume correctly" I stepped inside and she stared at me in disgust.

"What are you wearing?"


"You're out of school uniform" I looked around and saw girls and boys in dark blue blazers, white shirts, either a red bow tie or a normal tie, black trousers, red skirts, black flats (got that one right too) and the school crest was meant to be on the front of the blazer.

"Well, I think I look better in this," the teacher narrowed her eyes at me as I grinned at her, "Plus, I'm new here. So I have a reason not to be wearing the uniform"

"Go to the principles office-"

"I don't think that'd be a good-"


"Seven minutes in class, pity I didn't beat my record" I turned and skipped out of the room, letting the door slam shut behind me before I made my way around the school, since I was lost, my nose stung from all the power, and disgusting scents of the Wolf shifters, also known as Werewolves, their scents burning my nose and making me feel physically ill.

Turning the corner I crash into one and watched him stumble back as i stared at him in amusement as I tried not to show him how disgusted I am of his smell, even if I do like with Wolf shifters myself, but their scents have become something that isn't entirely wolf anymore, since they live in the same estate as me and all.

"What are you doing in the halls during class?" the guy asks me and puffed his chest out, probably trying to display authority to me with the fact he had a Prefect badge pinned to his chest.

"I have to go to the principle's office, but I don't know where that is"

"I'll take you there," he grabs my upper arm and starts dragging me down the corridor, "What pack are you from?"

"Depends on who's asking" I mused.

"Liam Payne, Defense for the Lune De Sang pack"

"Ineresting job there"

"What pack are you-"

"LIAM! WHERE ARE YOU?!" a girl screams in the corridors, making it bounce around everywhere and causing me to wince.

"Here's the principles office" Liam let me go and points to an office, "I need to go"

He nods and I pushed the door open before walking in, "Sit down Miss Dupont" one of the Secretary says and I sit down on a comfy chair before I pulled my pack of cards out and started to play cards with myself.

 After fifteen minutes or so my name gets called and I quickly put all my cards back into the pack and put the box into my blazer pocket and started to walk forward to the door that had 'Principles Office' written on the black on front of the door.

As I reach the door, it opens and a guy walks past me, bumping my shoulder. Jump out of my skin at the sudden zap of electricity hitting me from the bump I got to turn to sass him, until the principle called me in.

Sighing I walked in and closed the door behind myself before I stared at the old woman as she eyed me up and down, "Sit miss Dupont" I walked forwards and sat on the chair on the other side of the desk to her.

"It seems you have quite the record for the past ninety years you've been at school"


"And you're a hundred and sixteen this year?"

"That should be a two-sixteen darling" I gave her a smirk and she nods.

"Just checking, so, the Victoria era?"

"Loved it back then, all the men were such gentlemen back then"

"I know right" she chuckles and I raised an eye brow at her.

"Anyway, you should realize that-" she got cut off by loud alarms going off, making me jump a bit and look around the office.

"Go to your dorm room Caitlin"

"Okay...?" I got up and walked out of her office as alarms went off, I saw shutters fall down the windows and I stared at it in confusion before I walked out of the office and tried to find my way back.

Walking down the halls I see guys and girls with shiny Prefect badges on the front of their blazers, next to the school's emblem, "Every return to their dorms please"

Crowds parted by gender and I started to follow the girls as I tried to look out of the windows, but as I walked past them shutters fell down and locked and I started to feel a bit - what's the word? Oh yeah, scared because of the fact people were crying and freaking the fuck out.

I stopped for one second before I get shoved against the wall as everyone ran and clear the halls as I stood against the wall in shock... how the hell....?

"Hello? Any Supernatural creatures out there?" I pushed off of the wall and looked around before I started to walk the deserted school hall in a bit of a stupor since I don't know what's going on.

I found myself at the front entrance again and I dragged my hand done my face before something hits the doors. Jumping backwards I stared at the doors and the massive lock that was on it - as if it came out of the Harry Potter movie.

Stepping forward as the door gets banged on again I reached forward and got ready to unlock it until someone gasped and yanked me away from it, "What are you doing?!" I turned and stared at the guy in shock.

"I'm opening the door-"

"There's hunters out there!" he yells at me.

"There's hunters over here too?"

"Yes - you're the new girl, aren't you?"

"Yes, and did you shuffle on the carpet in socks or something because your zapping me" I pulled away from the guy  and dusted myself of as I scowled at him.

"You don't... you don't realize what I am?"

"You're a wolf boy" I smirked and then looked around the place before something bangs against the door again, "Bye" I waved at him before I took off down the hallway, using what faint scent of mine was left before I find the stairs and ran up them.

Getting to my dorm room I slammed the door shut and then laid on my bed and stared at my window that had been covered by metal shudders... this is a weird fucking school, am I right? Or am I right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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