15 Months of waiting, Sydney Shatterdomes and Hansens

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PLEASE DON'T HATE MEEE!!!!!! I didn't mean to update a day late!! It was about 8 o'clock last night, knee deep in an Epic Mickey 2 quest co-op with my fellow gamer boyfriend when I realized what day it was and my flashdrive was an hour away at my house!!!

But this chapter is nice and long so please enjoy!! :D And remember, I ONLY OWN LIEUTENANT LILA YALE! :)

~ ~ ~ (15 months later) ~ ~ ~

    Pentecost never told me what condition Gypsy Danger was in when they found her and took her to Oblivion Bay.

    Or if they found Raleigh.

    A few days after Gypsy’s fall, I steeled my resolve to believe that Rals had made it out alive. That he was hiding out and wasn’t ready to face what had happened yet.

    One month passed and my faith in the younger Becket never wavered.

    Another month passed, still no word from Raleigh. Maybe he didn’t have access to a phone or email where he was at? They did find Gypsy in the frozen wasteland of Alaska.

    After the three months, I got a little scared. Maybe he had amnesia and forgot about ever being a Ranger?

    The half year mark hit and word started going around that they were trying to start shutting down the Jaeger program, slowly, as construction on the Anti-Kaiju wall started.

    After a year of waiting for Raleigh to come home, Pentecost had no choice but to send me to the Sydney Shatterdome to work on a new modification to Striker Eureka, the first ever Mark-5.

    I was the most qualified person to oversee the design and installation of the new “Sting-Blades.” To put it simply, it’s would heat up razor sharp blades on Striker’s fists to over 300 degrees, causing severe and non blood spilling injuries because it would instantly burn the flesh and muscles while cauterizing it.

    When Mako came to get me for the Sydney trip, I was slowly pulling the pictures off the walls. I had grown to relish their presence around me and there was no way I was going on this several month trip without them. She helped me quietly and grabbed one of my bags to help me carry.

    Mako walked me outside the Shatterdome to the cargo plane, struggling with the bag. I smiled at her and took it in my free hand. She happened to grabbed my bag of tools, which was far from light. I hulked the tools and my other two bags into the plane and let one of the co-pilots handle strapping them down for the trip.

    I turned to say goodbye to Mako when her arms found their way around my shoulders and she hugged me tightly.

    “Keep in touch.” I hugged back just as tight for a few seconds before I pulled away, giving the Japanese woman a bright smile.

    “Of course.” I said, stepping back into the hull.

    “And stay safe!” She called as I waved goodbye to her. Just before I pressed the button to close the hatch, I heard a deep powerful voice call my name.

    “Miss. Yale!” Turning back around, I faced Pentecost with a small smile.

    After my mental break down on the day of losing Raleigh and Yancy, he’d been unheard-of gentle with me. And the weeks that followed he let me integrate myself back into my work at my own pace. He truly helped me through it all and for that I would be forever grateful.

    “I have eyes and ears in Sydney, I will know if you cause problems.” Flashing him an impish grin, I  hit the button and the door started creaking closed.

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