Realistic Fiction

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Alice and Sierra rushed out of science to get to gym. They did this daily, as they were good friends and enjoyed each other company. They would have also walked with their friend and Sierra's not-so-secret -crush Nathan, but he insisted on walking with Jake and Alice refused to talk to him unless she could taunt him the whole time because she found him extremely annoying. Which Nathan and Sierra absolutely forbid.

So, they walked on, joking around just a few steps behind the two boys.
"Sierra! you're staring at his back more then usual today."

Sierra asked looking at her sharply.
"who exactly are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about Nath. Who are you talking about?"Alice asked and she then realised what had happened and smiled, "oh dear. I don't believe this! You're falling for Jake? Get a life Sierra!" And burst into laughter and had to stop for a second to gather herself. Once she had stopped laughing, she whipped a laughing tear from her eye and looked at Sierra, who had a guilty and annoyed look on her face that only she could pull off without looking like a gremlin. She looked deep in thought
'Of course, I like Lukas.' Thought Sierra.
'Alice was mistaken. She said was getting confused. There was no one else.' But she knew she would have to give Alice something else to put her mind to. After all, Alice's mind is one-tracked so if there was some kind of distraction, she could slip away before she had the chance to question Sierra. She looked around and she spotted her ticket to freedom walking behind them.
"So, Sierra. When did you-"
"Alice! Look behind you!" Sierra whisper-yelled in her ear. Alice whipped her head around to see what she was talking about and instantly her face became the color of a tomato, more then it already was from laughing so much. Sierra smirked while she watching Alice try and form a sentence to Aaron, her crush. Sierra snickered and ran away so she could get to gym on time.
'She'll pay for this later' Alice thought and managed to squeak out

"See around....I mean school ya around...I mean... See you after school!" And rushed off, leaving a very confused Aaron.

Alice ran in the gym and practically ripped her clothes off as she was already extremely late while Sierra sat outside on the bench with a pleasant smile on her face while she talked to Nathan.

"Well, you still need to write me everyday, Nathan." Sierra said. Nathan was moving at the end of the school year but they promised to write to each other everyday.

"I promise" said Nathan and he held out his pinky finger. Just as Sierra was going to take it Alice burst out of the girls locker room, about 10 minutes late and very out of breath. Not to mention she looked like she had gotten dressed in 30 seconds, which she probably had. Sierra couldn't help laughing while Alice sank down next to her in the bench and gave her a death glare as Mrs.Bens marked Alice late.

Since this was the second to last day of gym, the kids were allowed to pick from a couple different games. They ended up playing space invaders but as soon as the game started, Alice and Nathan got out. Alice said a quick "hi" to him but then leaned against the wall and got lost in her own thoughts. Nathan watched the game, and before he knew it Jake was out too from being too cocky and stepping over the line then jumping back too slow. The two talked but decided to try and finish some science homework as the game seemed like it would be awhile. They found a place on a bench and got to work but soon they had forgotten about the work and we're just talking. Nathan might have slipped a couple times that he was planning to ask Sierra out at lunch but Jake just teased him. All of a sudden Alice slapped Jake in the back hard with a rolled up magazine.

"What the fuck was that for?" Jake said and turned around to face Alice.

"'Geez!" he said, rubbing his back
"can't two men chat and be left alone?"
"Not if your head is so empty it makes a hollow sound when something hits it" Alice said teasingly,
"for Heaven's sake Jake, get on with your homework and stop chatting. Also, you are a baby, not a man."
"Why do you care anyways?" He replied, ignoring the baby comment.
"Because I want to see you suffer" said Alice, like it was an everyday thing and walked off like what she thought was a bad ass bitch sassy walk but actually just looked like she had three left feet.
"Well... That was nice" said Nathan sarcastically while gathering up his papers.
"How do you tolerate her?" Jake asked in annoyance, still rubbing the back of his head.
"Well, Sierra is friends with her, and I trust her judgement" Nathan replied. Just as Jake was going to come back with an argument about trusting other people's judgement over your own, Nathan interrupted him.
"Looks like the games about to end" the boys turned to the basketball court where the game was taking place to see a very nervous looking Sierra trying to find an opening to the other side as she was the only one left. For once the gym was silent, everyone was watching to see what would happen.
"GO SIERRA!!! YOU CAN DO IT!" Shouted Nathan. Sierra stopped in her tracks and stared at Nathan with a red face. All of a sudden Mrs.Bens blew her whistle, making everyone flinch.
"Sierra is disqualified for stopping!" She yelled and the other team started cheering. Alice walked up from behind Nathan who had a frozen/surprised look on his face and gave him a couple pats on the back.
"Great job lover boy." And walked to the girls locker room with her patented bad ass bitch sassy walk. Or at least she did till she tripped over herself and then scuttled the rest of the way there.

Later during lunch Sierra wandered over to Nathan's table. She had to be careful as Nathan sat with a bunch of loud annoying boys. She sat down next to Nathan and he looked down at her.
'He's really tall' Sierra thought as he greeted her with a smile.
"Sierra? Did you hear me?" Nathan questioned with a weird face
"Uh, yeah! Totally!" Everyone laughed and she felt her face get hot.
"Guys shut up!" Nathan scolded the boys playfully.
"I said, do you want to go to Toft farm after school on Thursday with me...?" The table got really quiet. Sierra seemed fine on the outside, but really she was freaking out. Finally. FINALLY. After 3 years of waiting he finally asked her out! She knew if she spoke her voice would crack very badly but she nodded her head vigorously.
"FINALLY!!!!!" A girl voice shouted from behind one of the boys. Everyone turned around to see an extremely intense and happy Alice.
"MY OTP HAS GONE CANNON!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE" she screamed while punching excitedly at the air. Sierra and Nathan just started at her, both of them blushing intensely. Sierra looked down at her hand. She hadn't noticed that it was in Nathan's. She smiled, extremely content with the situation.

It was after school and Alice was waiting outside Mrs.Lenils room with the rest of the robotics club, waiting for her to get off bus duty so they could get to building. Tuesday's were always Alice's favorite part of the day because it was robotics club. Which meant she got to see Aaron. She sighed into her book which she wasn't actually reading. In fact, she was just using a book to hide her staring eyes from everyone around her. All of a sudden, Aaron took out one of his earbuds and looked up at Alice, who instantly turned a dark pink. Darker then her cheeks were colored naturally which was pretty pink.
"Hey Alice" he whispered. He was across the hallway, but she could hear him and no one else seemed to hear or care. She looked up expectantly.
"Come here for a sec"
"Ok" Alice slowly walked over to him, careful not to trip over herself like she often did. He held up his phone screen to her.
"MEET ME FOR A DATE ON THURSDAY AT TOFT FARM?" Was written out in big pink letters. She got very flustered and started rambling.
"I-I...what? Me? Huh...I-yeah...uh...Loo-"
"What do you think?" He said, obviously not noticing the peril Alice was in.
"I wanted to send this to my girlfriend but I wanted a girls opinion and since your the only one in the club..."
'Oh' Alice thought 'His GIRLFRIEND' her nervous smile immediately melted into a frown and her face became dark.
"Alice? Are you...ok?"
"Fine! I'm sure she'll love it." Alice replied, mustering up any happiness she had left into a smile. She walked back to her side of the room and slid down the wall, plugging in her headphones and blasted Ruth, forgetting her boy problems for the time being.
'At least Nathiarra is official now' was her last thought before she slipped into one of her famous Ruth commas where she sat dead-faced with music blasting into her ears and just listened quietly.

When they got into the room, Aaron immediately asked if he could go into the computer lab next door to print out something. Mrs.Lenil agreed and after a quick summary of what we were doing today, she sent everyone else off to do they're work. Alice spent the first few minuets thinking if a plan for a circuit for a new machine they were building. It kept her thoughts from wandering to much and for that she was glad.
"Alice?" Mrs.Lenil called
"Yes?" She answered as she speed walked up to her desk. Mrs.Lenil regularly sent her in errands as she deemed her the most trustworthy right after Aaron, who wasn't there.
"Could you go into the computer lab and grab me the stack of papers I just printed?"
"Sure!" She replied and almost skipped out of the room, eager to do something. When she got to the room she saw that all but one of the lights were off and the door was open just a crack. She opened it carefully which made a huge creak noise.
"Alice!" She heard suddenly and turned her head to the origin of the noise to see Aaron sitting at a computer.
"Oh. Hi." She replied nervously "I was just getting some papers for the boss" she said, attempting to make a joke. He laughed but it seemed a bit forced. She hurried over to the printer which was right next to the computer Aaron was sitting at. Right when she went to grab the stack of papers Aaron grabbed her hand and looked at her.
"Hey, um...." He started.
'Oh god' Alice thought.
"I need a box to put all my stuff in. Do you have any room in yours?" He asked quietly.
"Uh. Yeah!" She said with a of course blushing face that was turning redder every second. Hopefully it was dark enough that he couldn't see. She looked down at they're hands and he immediately flinched his away like he had been burnt.
"Sorry" he muttered.
"Um. Ok...I'm gonna go now..." She said with a nervous laugh and almost ran out the door. She felt his eyes follow her as she closed the door a little too hard and leaned on it, letting out a breath she didn't now she was holding.


When you are Alice

Based partly on true events

I started writing this like 5 months ago and just re read it and felt like posting it because idk

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