My Mate

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( Picture of Natasha Above)
Natasha P.O.V
Beep Beep Beep...........
Argghh!!!! Shut up dumpass alarm. I got out of my bed and slowly headed towards my bathroom doing my morning routine like always after I finish in the bathroom. I walk into my closet pulling out my undergarments, gray baggy sweater, dark over washed jeans and my nerd glasses. Once I made it downstairs my mother is making breakfast as I went over to her said good morning even my throat sound as dry as a check board.
Helena:"Tasha honey you okay?"
(Natasha A.k.a Tasha for short. Helena is Natasha and her other siblings mom.)
Tasha:"Yea mom I'm okay I hate getting up in the morning."
Helena:"Oh sorry dear I keep forgetting you're not an early bird like I am."
Tasha: ("Yea right you just don't give a damn about me.")
Nina/Tasha Wolf:" Stop being like that.
Nina:"You know mom isn't feeling well so stop it right now!!"
Tasha:"Urrghh fine." After my argument with my wolf Nina I made 2 sandwhiches for lunch today.I made my coffee and got a couple of nature bars heading to school. As I walked to school meeting up with my friends Lina, Kimmy, Meghan, and Lisa.
Lisa:"Hey Tasha."
Tasha:"Hey Lisa, Lina, Kimmy, & Meghan."
Meghan, Lina& Kimmy:"Hey .
Tasha:"Where's Becca and Ericka?"
Lina:"They're with their mates."
Kimmy:"There's so lucky they found their mates."
Lisa:"I know right."
Meghan:"I wanna found my mate too.
Meghan was complaining about finding her mate as I tried to stay in turned to the conversation that's when I smelled something sweet and delicious.
Tasha:"Um.... Guys
Tasha Friends:"Yea."
Tasha:"Do you smell that??"
Meghan:"I don't get it smell what Tasha??" 😕
Lina& Lisa gasped as the same time before speaking.
Lisa:"I think ur smelling ur mate Tasha!!!"
Meghan:"Omg go find him Tasha."
Kimmy, Lina, Lisa & Meghan:"Now!!!!"
Tasha:"Oh shit ur right.
As I caught the amazing most breathing taken scent of mangoes, pineapples and chocolate filled the air as I followed the scent of my mate when I soon meet the eyes of Jake A.T. Jefferson he's the most hottest guy in my school he also the Alpha of my pack The Star Light Moon Pack and he's my mate😍😍😍. I was so happy that I said the word Mate. As I conutine to look at Jake his blue eyes got darker showing disgust and disappointment in it as he said you're disgusting mutt. I would never want a ugly ass dirty little pup of a You're fat, stupid, dirty, gross!!!!! You're nothing but an ugly nerdy little bitch who gets straight A's!!!!!! No one and I mean no one in a million years will love you!!!! Not me not anyone!!!My fucking mate should be beautiful, hot and sexy as fuck but you're not!!!!!!And as for you calling me you're mate... Before I had a chance to back away from him he slapped me across my face, punch, kick and beat the crap out of me after he said the words I never wanted to hear I Alpha Jake Austin Tyler Jefferson of The Star Light Moon Pack reject you Natasha Alice Mary Bryan as my mate and Luna of this pack and hereby remove you from my pack you have 24 hours to get you're stuff and leave immediately.
I Natasha Alice Mary Bryan accepted your rejection.
After my mate said those horrible words to me l run all the way home, up the stairs to my bedroom, packed everything that I owned and write a letter to the very people I care about the most.
(Family Letter)
Dear Mom, Dad, Lily and Mark, I love you guys so much. You are everything to me. I sorry but I'm leaving because my mate rejected me and I can't face my friends and loving family with the pain of my sorrow. Mom I'll miss you beautiful chestnut hair, Dad you're amazing way of making everyone laugh, Lily you're beautiful,warm, and friendly smile you show to everyone you meet and the great ways how you helped me tho my pain at night. To my favorite and crazy overprotective brother Mark you are the best brother anyone could ask for, the way you always chase my bullies away, how you always have a carefree but fun expression on you're face just like dad, to my amazing bestie Lina, Lisa, Becca, Kimmy, Ericka and Meghan you guys are the most loving and caring people I know. I want to think you and everybody else who's ever helped me out and Last but not least I ungrateful horrible ass of a ex-mate Jake Austin Tyler Jefferson died in a fucking hole and kill yourself. I hate you're fucking guts you are not but a piece of shit.I may look weak and disgusting to you just letting you know you'll reget the day you rejected me.
P.S. Mom and Dad can you tell Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson I'll miss them very much. I love everyone of you expected you Jake I hate you!!!! Bye.
2 Days Later
It's been 2 days since I left my pack and become a rogue ever since I been cleaning my wounds at best as I can without any meditation to ease the pain.
Nina:"Tasha let me take over."
Tasha:"No, Nina it's fine I can handle it
Nina:"No you can't you're beaten and buried everywhere and you walking around in you're human form is not helping at all so let me take control over our body at least for now."
As I was gonna let Nina take over I heard a twig snap and a couple of rogue came out and started to attack me.
-'-'-'--- '---'- '---'- '---'- '---'---'--'-'-' '---'----'-'-'-----'-'-'------'-'-'---'--'-'-'-'
Nina P.O.V
Tasha was finally about to give me control of our body when some rogue jumped out of the trees. Tasha immediately shifted into our wolf form which is a white and silver wolf with gold marking all over my body. As I was fighting the wolves and snapping and clawing their necks a couple of more rogues came out of nowhere and started attacking me as I had finish kill 4 of the rogues leaving a grey wolf and two more rogues one black and the other brown. I was attacking the grey wolf when the brown wolf jumped on my back and the alpha was waiting for an opening as soon as he got one he striked and made a large cut from my side as I was trying to get the other wolf off of me I soon was losing too much blood my eyes closing slowly as I was trying to keep myself consciousness enough to fight back but soon fell to the ground before my eyes shut I heard growls coming around us as the world became dark and blackness took me.
Alex P.O.V
Alpha some of our warriors spotted a group of rogues on our territory my beta Justin said to me.
(I'm on my way bring a lot of pack warriors)
(Justin:"Yes Alpha)
I ran outside making my way to western side of my territory as I was got closer I saw a girl with jet black hair and blue eyes bathing in the lake as I moved a little closer I noticed the black and blue marks on her back as tears silently side down her face. I mind link Justin letting him know that I found a rogue, he says the pack of rogues where moving towards my direction as I got up from my hiding spot I shift into my black and silver wolf with gold marks around my wolf form. I quickly run to my pack members as I see over 45 rogues attacking them I run into the battle field as I'm fighting off the rogues I see more wolves coming towards the battle as my pack warriors start take out the rogues one at a time or four at a time my wolf Ryan starts whispering something very low I can barely hear it.
(What's wrong Ry??)
(She in trouble Alex!!! Hurry up go to her!!!!!)
( "What are you talking about?")
(I'm talking about our mate dumpass she in trouble go help her....Now!!!!!)
("I'm going to find out mate, Who's our mate Ryan?")
("You're a fucking dumpass, the rogue from the lake is our mate!!!!! Go to Nina!!")
(Who the fuck is Nina?")
(Shut up and run now!!!!)
Ryder blocks me out as I'm running towards the lake I soon smell the scent of strawberries,villain, coconut and fresh rain wired but delicious I soon smell blood as I mind link my pack doctor to meet me at the pack house. As I get closer my wolf Ryder take over without my permission.
Ryder P.O.V.
After I got done screaming at Alex to go to our mate he finally got a move on.
(Damn that took longer than I thorough)
As we followed her scent ohhhh😍😍😍😉 such a wonderful scent I could die from it. I soon smelled blood I instantly took control of our body. I run faster my paws barely hitting the ground as I quickly jumped on a brown rogue instantly killing him I turn towards the other two I quickly snap the grey wolf neck and soon it's me and the alpha of the rogues claiming victorious after I done with him I turn towards my mate shifting back into my human form letting Alex have control of our body.
Alex P. O. V
As I quickly and gently pick her up running as fast as light getting her to the pack house I soon see Lauren my pack doctor as Lauren and a couple of nurses take her to the hospital wing as quickly as possible. As I'm heading towards the hospital wing in my pack my ex-girlfriend walks out of a room with Toby a shy, fun guy he has a scared expression on his face as he being drag away by her he mouth Help me..So I nod my head at him and said "Amber leave him alone he obviously don't wanna go anywhere with you so go away already."
Amber:"Alex baby come on let go have some fun together."
I said go away and leave him alone damn you're so fucking annoying.
Amber:"Oh y'all reget that I promise you that much."
As she finish bitching I turn away from her as I walk down the hall. I sit in the waiting room hoping somebody will tell me if she okay or not.
3 Hours Later
It's been 3 hours of waiting and I'm getting very worried about her my parents come into the waiting room a couple ofmminutes ago.
Julie/Alex Mom:"Alex what are you doing in here?"
Brad/Alex Dad:"She right son what's going on?"
Alex:"Mom,Dad..... I-I found my mate."😞
Julie:"Oh that's great Alex where is she?"
Mom says as she looks around for her. I tell them everything that happened as my mom has a worry expression on her face as my dad looks as sad as I do until the E.R door open and Lauren came out and tell me that she would have died if I didn't get to her as soon as I did.
Julie:"Is it alright if we see her?"
Lauren:"Sure go ahead room 424 oh and Alpha there's a girl named Natasha Bryan missing and her family is looking for her."
Alright inform Justin to contract the family and only the family about a young girl in our territory.
Lauren:"Yes Alpha."
After Lauren does what I said my family and I make our way to her room once I open the door I see her laying on a hospital bed with wires and tubes all over her beautiful body and face.
Julie:"Oh my goddess."
Natasha P.O.V
After I passed out from the blood lose I'm surrounded by darkness as I try to focus my eyes open a bright light heading towards me I walk into the light to see myself in a hospital bed as a guy with beautiful brown hair and green eyes is holding my left hand begging for me to wake up and wanna to see what he's mate looks like. Wait What?? How is this?
Come my children a melody soft silky voice says to me as I lifted up in the sky to see a beautiful women and handsome man both looking absolutely so beautiful I had to close my eyes instantly.
Natasha sweetheart open your eyes darling the same melody voice said. I slowly open my eyelids wanna to know what's going on here.
Tasha:"Hello miss you very beautiful."
The women just chuckles at me and smiles before the man speaks up saying
Drew:"My beautiful daughter you got so big and beautiful just like your mother.
Tasha:"Um.... Not to be rude or anything but my mother is down on earth.
Serena:"No sweetheart she you're adopted mother while I am your real mother I gave birth to you."
Tasha:"What?? How could yo-."
I was cut off by my so called mother as she finished my sentence
Serena:"How could we give you up?"
Drew:"We never wanted to give you up."
Tasha:"Yea right you're not my real parents that's bullshit!!!!! I wanna go home send me home right now!!!"
I blacked out again as I was in the darkness again.

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