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500 reads wooo thanks guys. I put a fluffier part in the beginning of this because I feel bad for abusing these characters ;-; especially Lucy (I am so sorry Lucy)

Also i haven't updated in two months. I'm SORRY. I lost inspiration. Again. I'll probably update my other books soon too, and maybe republish skate freak, if I have anyone here who was reading that one too but I'm graduating this month and I'm nervous af so it might take a while. Thanks for your patience though😬 please enjoy this action-y chapter of badass revenge-seeking Natsu.


When I proposed to Lucy was probably the most nervous I had ever been in my entire life. Almost, anyway. The other time was probably when I asked Lucy's dad if I had his blessing. Not to marry her- he passed away long before that- but when I asked him if he was okay with Lucy and I being together. That was almost three years ago.

Thinking about the old man, I'm flooded with sorrow as I am reminded by the time I actually proposed to her.

Because Magnolia isn't a very appealing city to begin with, I brought her to the outskirts of town to a hill an old windmill called home.

It was the middle of summer, on a night with a starry sky. I remember how my knees were shaking because of the anxiety the ring box in my pocket was giving me. I don't think she noticed though, because it was pretty dark as we were walking up.

"Where are we going, Natsu?"

"It's a surprise. Come on, we're almost there."

"Lucy," I began, my palms going sweaty. It only worsened when her brown eyes shifted to meet mine, and my confidence shrivelled. "T-there was something I w-wanted to ask you."

Her eyes widened when I got down on one knee, and she covered her mouth. I had to pause for a few moments to find words because I was awestruck by her appearance under the moon and starlight as they made her appear like an angel. Even though the words I wanted to say were simple, and I wasn't even a nervous enough person to begin with, she was every reason why I could've messed them up.

I tried not to look at her face, tilting my head down until I got up the courage. "Lucy Heartfilia... Will you... Will you marry me?"

With just a few moments, I had time to think of all the possible outcomes that could've happened. She could have shut me down in the worst way possible. Maybe try to explain with words coated in sugar how she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with me for whatever reason. I was flat out ready for her to say no because there was just that small part of me telling me I wasn't good enough for her, that there was somebody who actually deserved her.

But, almost with enough force to knock me to the grassy ground beneath us, she squealed and tackled me with tears in her eyes all while answering, "Yes, Natsu! Yes!"

I don't think I'll ever forget how happy she (and I for that matter) was at that moment. I was flooded with reassurance, ecstasy and most things in between as she clung on to me, her scent and warmth being the only sensations I was aware of. I would have wanted to stay like that forever, and considering the current situation now I wish I never let her go. I only pulled away to put the ring on her finger when she still had tears in her eyes.

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