The Awakaning

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It was a beatiful bright and sunny day while Tom was with his brother Max and Father Michele playing catch with their dog Terry his mother Laury was doing the Christmas shoping and decided to prank the boys with a mask hanging on their ceilings. When she got home Max was sleaping and Michele was watching football with Tom slowly falling asleep. After Tom fell asleep Laury took Michele to bed and draged Tom to bed to but she was worn out and then Tom fell on the ground, when she was about to turn off the light she saw a glow and that reminded her of the knife her dad used to kill deer. When she turned around Michele was there and she got scared. After that she put Michele back to bed again and decided to go down stairs to watch T.V. but before she got comfortable she loked all dores but one the back dore, and that was the biggest mistake of her life, the last mistake of her life. After a few minutes Laury was falling asleep and she heard the sound of an opening dore and went to check it out but the back dore was open and she made sure to close it, this time when she turned around she saw a white and leathery skined guy with long black hair and a white bloody sweater with a carved smile on his face. "It" was holding a knife pointing it at her saying go to sleep and in shock she was paralyzed until she was stabed in the arms and she screamed in pain and agony thats when Michele woke up and saw Laury on the ground bleading and that was when he was stabed straight in the heart. After that Jeff heard something fall from Max's room when Tom heard his foot steps he grabed the knife and hid his breathing so Jeff wouldnt notice he was there. As Jeff was walking to Max's room Tom counted the amount of steps 3,2,1 and when he got to zero Tom slashed out at Jleff with his knife but Jeff bolcked and tried to stab Tom in the gut. Before he could get the stab Tom dodged it, when that happened Jeff told Tom that he was strong but he had many weknesses and he wasn't good enough after Tom heard this he droped the knife and stood up streight. When Jeff saw this he called Tom crazy and went in for a stab but out of no where Jeff noticed he was in a Triange Choke Hold and Tom started to beat Jeff but it didnt effect him at all then Tom tried to break Jeffs neck but Jeff punched Tom and he just fainted. After that Jeff decided to leave Tom alone and said " your fun thats the only reason why I wont kill you but next time its over for one of us" Than Jeff saw Max he said " hey kid DIE" Jeff than picked up his knife and tried to stab Max Thats when he noticed Tom was grabing onto his leg with a teribly strong grip even though he was unconscious than Jeff just left and never cam back again.

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