Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the “glorious” sound of my damn alarm clock and rubbed my eyes, I blinked a few times, I pressed the snooze button and rolled over, my dog ran through my bedroom door, the light from the hallway flooded the room and reflected off my mirror and into my eyes, she was barking and jumped on my bed beside me, unlike in the movies she didn’t curl up beside me and sleep, nope she barked in my ear and clawed my arm, I sighed and turned back to her

   ‘you, silly doggie… shut the hell up’ she tilted her head and whined, I smiled at the small dog and rolled my eyes, I climbed out of bed, I pat her on the head. I shivered in my t-shirt and shorts. I brushed my fingers through my hair I had straightened the previous night, I picked out a dark blue crop top, a pink tank top and denim knee length pants. I went down the stairs, the smell of pancakes, my mom made and roses she bought and had placed in the kitchen wafted up the stairs and tickled my nose, taunting my stomach and making it rumble violently-she she had different flower for different rooms, a light sent rose for the kitchen, lillies for the hallway, lavender for the bedrooms, sunflowers for the living room-

     I sat at the white large marble centre island, my mom slid a hairbrush down the table, I smiled and brushed my hair properly. My brother, Joshua came down the stairs and took my pancake,

   ’Gross!’ he exclaimed looking down at his syrup-soaked hand, I flashed an evil grin and snatched the pancake and pushed it in his face

   ’Amelie!’ my mother explaimed ‘that is not lady-like behaviour! Apologize now!’I sighed,

   'Mo-om!' I whined and seperated the word into two syllables. she always liked him more 'he started it!'

   'Amelie! What do I always tell you?'

   'Stop fidgetting, put your clothes away, clean your room, stop asking questions I can't hear the movie with you!'

   'Amelie, stop talking!'

    'Oh, yeah! that you... but most of all...' then we said together

    'Amelie, you must be more lady-like!' 

   'Say you're sorry!' she saw I was about to complain 'I don't want to hear it!'

   ‘Sorry, Joshua!’ I said innocently, there was still a sense of sarcasm,a tone i had practiceed so it was close to perfection, if I do say so myself. I got another pancake.

     I was slipping on my ankle boots when I heard the car horn beep. I rolled my eyes as Joshua pushed past me. I walked out of the house with my heavy school bag slowing my pace. Joshua high-fived Brandon, a guy who drove us to  school, his parents and mine were friends and so were Joshua and him-there was only a few months between them, Joshua always held those two months against him-, Personally, I hated the guy.

   ‘Hey, it’s bed-head!’ he greeted, I interrupted, my hands going defensively to my hair that I had just brushed

   ‘Shut up, Bran!’ he hated being called that, it gave me a strange sense of joy to see him wince at the same, especially in the squeaky tone I said it in ‘You’re a sad stuck up, rich guy, that’s all!’

   ‘You’re rich too!’

   ‘No, honey I’m well off! Now as the song goes, shut up and drive!’ I said, I'm sure he would have said something about driving off when I wasn't even in the car, but another come back crossed his mind

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