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"Well I better call my dad to come and get me." I say looking at the clock. It was 10:30pm and I haven't talked to my dad at all.

I dialed the number and after three rings he answered.

"Megan thank god you called." He said.

"Can you come and get me?" I asked my dad.

I gave him the address, and turns out me and Jacob live right across from each other.

"I'll walk you home." Jacob said as we walked out of the door.

He grabbed my hand half way there and held it tight till we got to my house.

My dad opened up the front door looking down at me holding hands with Jacob. Instead of saying anything he took my luggage out of my hand and walked away.

"Um... see you tomorrow." Said Jacob hugging me.

"Bye." I said smiling.

I walked inside and shut the door.

"Making friends already?" Asked my dad smiling.

"Yeah, friends." I said avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Listen, Megan I know you've never met me before, but I promise from here on out I'm going to love you and take care of you everyday."

"Okay." I said giving him a reassuring smile.

He showed me my room. It was a baby gray color with a huge king size bed in the middle of the room. I had a huge closet filled with Nike and Adidas shirts and joggers, and some skinny jeans. And a bunch of stuff from Pink.

"This is perfect!" I yelled hugging my dad.

"Aww I'm glad you like it." He said.

I had my own bathroom filled with shampoo conditioner razors and shaving cream.

I took my medicine and dozed off to bed.


"Good morning." My dad said as I walked into the kitchen.

I was wearing your basic Adidas joggers and a plain black crop top.

"I made pancakes." He said.

"Oh." I said as I sat down at the table.

Dad handed me a plate with three pancakes and the bottle of syrup.

"We need to talk." He said sitting down at the table.


"So um, tell me what's going on. Why did you get suspended?" He asked.

"This girl was threatening to fight me so I told her to grow the f*c* up and fight me she tried punching me so I grabbed her hand and pushed her back. Gave her a black eye and a busted lip." I said.

"Good job! Ugh- I mean that's not good." He said.

I bursted out laughing.

"Okay well your school starts next week. Every night I ask that your home before 10:30 and that's all my rules." He said.

"Okay, um I'm going to Jacobs." I say hugging him bye.


"Jacob stop." I say bursting out laughing.

"Say that I'm the greatest guy ever!" Yells Jacob who won't stop ticking.

"Your the greatest guy ever!" I yell out, he stops immediately still cradling over me.

He stars at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"What are you think about?" He asked looking down at me.

"How beautiful your eyes are." I said.

Jacob leaned down and pecked me on the lips.

I smiled a wide smile across my face and wrapped my hands around his neck. Kissing him again.

"Jacob we barely know each other." I say laughing.

"I know but, it's just, something about you." He said smiling.

"Let's go for a walk, we can ask each other anything we wanna know about each other." I said as he rolled over.


"I would have never guessed you of all people have depression and anxiety." He said sadly.

"Don't feel bad. I'm really fine." I say reassuring him.

"OH MY GOSH ITS JACOB SARTORIOUS!!!! CAN I GET A PIC WITH YOU!" Yelled a crowd of girls running toward Jacob.

"Hey." Said Jacob taking pictures and videos with people.

After about an hour of sitting there taking pictures we finally left.

"What was all that about?" I ask. Shocked.

"Oh yeah about that I'm kinda internet famous." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait! Your the guy who use to be best friends with Mark Thomas! Right?!" I yelled.

"Yeah we still are. Why?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh I use to have the biggest crush on him!!!!!" I yell as I'm jumping up and down.

"Well your not going around him any time soon." He said shyly. I looked over at him and just simply pecked him in the lips.

Man, I really like this guy.

My Baby Jacob Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now