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Here I sat in my cell. In a maximum security prison for a simple ole crime. One that I would commit over and over again if it meant keeping my brothers safe. My brothers as in The Reapers. The motorcycle gang that is very powerful - the reason why we are so powerful is because of the loyalty from everyone. Everyone as in Wolf, Hashtag, and Wraith. But that's just their gang names - in which they earned themselves.

For instance, Bradley (Wolf) got his because he's a pig. He wolfs down his food like it's the last meal he's ever going to have. Colton (Hashtag) because he said it when he was imitating his 13 year old sister. And Aaron (Wraith) because he does our dirty work. When I can't handle a job at the time he does it for me. As in he's the last thing our pathetic enemies see before he kills them in anyway he sees fit.

Those are my brothers, my family, I'd take years upon years in this hell hole for them. But they call me everyday at exactly 12:00 p.m. Keeping me updated on my gang, letting me know about all of the reports and all of the enemies we've gotten since I've been locked up. I left Wolf temporarily in charge until my sentence is over in just a few years (if I'm a good boy) but I won't hold my breath.

"Hey! Earth to Patrick!" The asshole guard that comes to test me everyday. I fucking hate this guy. Oh the awful things I would go to end this guys life.

"Can I help you officer asshole?!" I yelled back. He just grunted and narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'd be a whole lot nicer to me if I were you. You are just asking for a longer sentence." He grunted I just rolled my eyes.

"You have a visitor. A nice lady that I know and she's a good person. Quiet and she keeps to herself but she's nice. So don't you be a asshole." He yelled locking the cuffs around my wrists. A woman? This doesn't make since, I don't really know any women that would visit me outside of my bedroom. And we can't do anything while they're on the other side of the glass.

"And who might this woman be?" I asked not even wincing when he tightened the cuffs.

"Jade Smith. So behave." He says and pushed me towards the visiting area.

When we got there I saw the beautiful woman. I recognized her, but she looked much more grown now. I haven't seen her for years. Since high school. Her parents took her out of school to homeschool her during our sophomore year. She was stunning. Black hair, brown eyes, fair skin that looked so soft. Oh the things I would do to this woman. Jade actually used to hangout with Hashtag and Wolf, hell even Wraith. They used to be close during school, they were like her protectors during the day. Then she shut herself off. She skipped school for weeks at a time sometimes. Then she just got pulled, so that took a tole on their friendship.

"Jade?" I asked curiously. She looked up from her hands with a slight jump. God she was cute. She looked nervous. Cute.

"Hello - um Andrew. I-I'm sorry to just drop by without warning but um..." she trailed off, God she was feeling bad? What the actual fuck?

"Out with it Jade, don't be scared." I said with a chuckle. She let out a breath and looked back towards me.

"I got a random call from Bradley, and Colton, and Aaron. They told me I should come see you because you know... they can't. They made me bring you some things too..." she fumbled nervously, I'm guessing she's getting something out of doing this for the guys.

"What are you getting out of this?" I asked. She arched an eyebrow.

"Shit! Nothing! Those bastards!" She cursed more to herself but I just smiled cause I heard. What a potty mouth.

"Well while you're here... how are you Ms. Smith? I haven't seen you in a minute or two, how've you been?" I asked leaning back in the Steal chair. She got really nervous, I could see the little beads of sweat covering her forehead. Making me all the more curious.

"Fine." She said while she bit her bottom lip. Fucking liar!

"Jade? Don't bullshit me. After all I'm the king of bullshitting. Out with it." I said she pailed. Then she swallowed.

"Well it was nice catching up with you again Andrew. But I must be going. Take care." She said and she stood up. She winced slightly but she quickly covered it up with a smile.

"Wait! Are you in some kind of trouble Jade? I can get the guys on it ASAP if needed. Don't lie to me Jade." I said while standing, I gave her my 'You better not lie to me or else.' Look but she smiled, weakly but she smiled.

"Goodbye Andrew see you when you get out." She said before turning away and walking out. I stood there and I realized I needed to be a good boy so I could get the hell outta here.

"Back to your cell dumbass." The guard said while shoving me along. Damn this is going to be harder than I thought.

A/N: my first badass biker/gang book! I'm seriously excited to be writing this. I'm also in the process of writing the sequel to 'I'm In Trouble' so who knows how good this will be, but trust me I'll try to make you guys proud!

Much love,

Marissa 💙

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