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The drive over to Calum's house was filled with me stuffing my face with a double cheese burger from Mcdonald's and singing along to Johnny Boy. It's my favorite song and currently I've listened to nothing else but that song on repeat. Sue me for loving this song so much. I don't even bother knocking on the front door I just walk in. 

"Hey babe." Calum wraps his arms around me giving me a kiss on m head.

"Asparagus went home with G last night." I smirk and Calum shakes his head at me.

"I honestly don't know how you and Cam are friends with him." I shrug my shoulders. 

"Cam met him by sharing weed with him." Calum laughs taking my hand in his and pulling me to sit on the couch with him.

"Of course she did, god that child hasn't changed a bit." I chuckle leaning my head on his chest. Oh Lord I Love This Boy So Very Much.


Me and Blake currently have all the windows rolled down in her jeep and we're blasting The 1975. 

"How does Taco Bell sound?" I nod my head as she pulls into the drive thru. She gives the lady our order before turning back to me.

"So Arz went home with G last night." I laugh nodding my head.

"I know and I went home with her boyfriend." We both laugh. I have to admit I'm a bitch but so is Arz. I'm praying Lu breaks up with her. We grab our food going home and I sit there praying that maybe just maybe he'll break up with her today.


"Babe, I'm home." I look up from my show only to see Arz standing there.

"Oh please, we aren't dating anymore so please pack your bags." She looks at me with a shocked look.

"Exsqueeze  me?" I roll my eyes hoping Cam will be home any minuet.

"Yeah, I know you slept with Cam's friend G and I slept with Cam." She comes close to me fanning her nasty breath in my face.

"She wasn't better than me." I swear I'm not a mean person but when she says this I laughed so hard that my soda came out of my nose.

"Fuck. Oh my lord. You're so nasty I can't. Please leave before you  make yourself look even more stupid." She stomps over to her suitcase and packs before slamming her door leaving.

"LUKE?" I walk downstairs and I see Michael with Ashton and this tiny girl next to him. 

"Hey Mate, this is Emma." I give her a smile and Cam walks in with Blake, Cal, and Spence. 

"Babe!" Blake jumps in Mikes arms and Cam gives me a kiss after winking at Ash.

"Awe! LAM IS BACK PEOPLE!" We both chuckle before setting everything up. It's movie day bitchezzz.

HEY GUYs so this is all typed on my laptop so yeah if it's all messed up im sorry but i feel pretty good because ive updated twice today. and AShton Irwins little sister is almost at 14k and i cant thank you all enough. I love you all<333333 DONT BE A GHOSTIE VOTE/COMMENT

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