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Each group looked at one another,  as they all blinked. "Well?" Kija asked a confused voice, 

"You first ." The Male with brown hair who seemed very snooty. he looked to the side as , a male with White hair rolled his eyes. "Honest as ever Prince Raji aren't you." It was then The Brown haired boy had a tick mark upon his head as he glare. "Now look what you have done you fool, you said my name before they said theirs."

Hak felt himself get aggravated, though Yoon spoke up before he could. "What you two stop your arguing and speak up, a freind of ours is in danger right now, and we don't have time to listen to you bicker the whole time so are you going to say your name or not, And you Mr, if you truly are a prince then act like one."

Hak raised a eyebrow at the Herbalists actions as he didn't know the girly looking male had it in him. "That's enough Yoon."  Jea-ha spoke up. It was then though on the other side a male with a scar upon his face, looked at the duo a bit confused. "I guess I'll go first and how about we all go around the room, if we want to get out of here we might as well work as a team right?"

He sighed lightly as the light began to shrine through the cracks of the room where everyone could see the others clearly now. "My name is Prince Ren, and two my side is king Sinbad, prince Alibaba, and Aladdin." 

The gang then looked to the right side of them. as the male with the white hair spoke up . "I am prince Zen, and next to me is my brother Prince Izana, then next to him is Prince Raji, and my guard Mitsuhide and Obi.. and who might you all be."

Yoon looked at the Hak and hak nodded his head. "My name is Yoon the herbalist of the group, over here is the thunder beast call Hak, next him him is the Green dragon, jea-ha, the Blue dragon, Shin-ah, the White dragon-Ki-ja and The golden dragon Zeno."

Each looked at one another a bit confused.  but nodded there heads. Zeno was the first to speak up"What exactly happen to all of you?"

Each male looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders.  "We don't know?" Mitsuhide spoke up as he shook his head.

Suddenly the doors of the outside opened up as a guard walked in and grumbled. "Food time." the male threw bread at each and then looked at Yoon. "Oh and you, I'm supposed to give you a message, There was no girl in sight in the port city, your lucky for now but don't feel glad yet, because we will find her." Suddenly the doors shut with a loud bang.

As it left the male speechless.


 Waking up from the campsite, she heard footsteps that came closer then ever, Yona felt her heart beat pound as she listened to the steps carefully, there had to be 20 no 30 people who came her way. Quickly Yona put the fire and grabbed Hak's and Kija's belongings and hid them into a near by brush as everything needed to seem vacant. 

After that , Yona grabbed her Bow and Arrows and Ao who was peacefully sleeping on the ground. After that Yona rushed behind a bush it's self and pulled up her hood. "Chuu." Ao spoke up as he looked around. "Shh Ao be quiet please, we don't want them to find us."

Looking around she soon noticed as the men came near the campsite with swords looking all around. "Sir there doesn't seem to be any people present not even a girl, " One other spoke up as he sounded upset. "Find her, the captain wants this girl found!" for hours the men searched. But could not find her at all. Well thanks to Yoons tips of blending in with the environment.

Finally daybreak came and the men left finally, Yona waited just a bit longer not waiting to be caught by not knowing what was around her.  After those minutes were up Yona found herself getting up only to receive a cut from a thorn bush that was beside her. 

"Oww!" the forgotten heir quickly placed her hand on the side of her arm and got up, only to grab Yoon's medical kit , then cleaned and rapped the  wound as she could't let that bring her down. 

"Ao, I think it's time we come up with a plan, we can't keep hiding like this, and I have a feeling those men know where Hak, Yoon and the dragons are." Her eyes burned like fire as the sunset cased upon them with a bright orange glow. 

"Chuu?" Ao rubbed against her cheek trying to comfort her.

"Don't worry, we will save them, this is my kingdom, even if I am ruler or not. My name is Princess Yona of Kouka, daughter of the ill rumored king of Kouka, this was not what father wanted, nor what I want, and I pray and swear soon by day brake soon they will pay." She looked at the dawn sun as it began to drift below waiting for the next day to come.

|And here is where I am going to stop, I hope you like this so far, since it's a crossover its a little hard to come up with such good content. but I hope you enjoy it, please leave a comment, Id love to hear what you think of it.|

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