Chapter Four

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Yesterday, a dead body was discovered in Knockturn alley. It was taken by the Ministry for further examination. The cause of death is shocking. It appears that he died by the hands of a vampire, demonstrated by how there was close to no blood in his body.

Vampires, who are an organized race, have left the Wizarding World, and the Muggle World alone for quite sometime. This is the first time they have attacked anyone in centuries.

Some people worry that this might signify a return for the Vampires, which could mean the destruction of the Statute of Secrecy, and the fall of the Wizarding World.

"I assure you, we can handle this situation." Says Minister Cornelius Fudge. "Our ancestors have defeated them before, and look how far we've come. Don't worry, if they tried, there are plenty of Aurors who are willing to fight to keep us all safe."


"Lucius." Lord Voldemort said.

"Yes my Lord?"

"Your son. He writes to you correct?"

"Yes my Lord."

"What does he write about?"

"His classes, his friends, there are a few mentions of a transfer student, and-"

"The transfer student. What does he say?"

"He does not say much. Only that she behaves strangely, bringing a bottle to class, and has natural pink hair."

"Her name?"

"Katrina Walters."

"Ah, Katrina Walters. That's her name. Tell Draco to keep an eye on her."

"My Lord, may I ask why?"

"I believe we have found our Vampire." During the First Wizarding War against him, he had heard of the power of the Vampires and tried to recruit them to his side. He was never able to find him but now he has a chance, and he wasn't going to let it go.


When Draco got a letter from his father, he was first, shock about its length. It was noticeably longer than usual. Then he read how You-Know-Who had a request for him. When he was told to watch Katrina Walters, he thought that'd be it, but then he learns she might be a Vampire! He decided to do some research.

During his free periods, he went to the Library.

Dark Creatures, Volume One, by Bathila Bagshot

Vampires commonly have red eyes, a pale complexion, and pointed ears. He stopped. There was no way Katrina was a Vampire now. She didn't have any of that! Except the pale skin. However, he continued to read.

In the beginning of Wizard History, they plagued, wizards and muggles alike. But as the Wizarding community grew closer, they became less of a threat.When the Statute of Secrecy had to be made, the two parties meet together and clashed one last time. The Vampires had won Draco stopped. Fudge had lied, Wizards didn't win. The Vampires did! but after the battle, they vanished. There are many theories which have been created to try and explain this, but none hold out well.

The most popular theory, however, is the Terra Theory. This theory suggests that the Vampires were tired of fighting and retreated underground. Another theory, is the Genesis Theory, which suggests that they were transformed into Dementors, which explains the fact that they had emerged a few weeks after the battle.

That was it, Draco decided. He was done.


"He was what!?" Ron shouted.

"He was in the Library." Hermione repeated.

"He's up to something." Harry said. "Did you happen to be able to see what he was reading?"

"He was researching Vampires."

"Strange...the headline of the Daily Prophet yesterday was also about Vampires."

"Do you think it has to do with...You-Know-Who?" Ron asked.

"Well," Hermione started. "It could be that Voldemort suspects someone in Hogwarts, likely a Slytherin, to be a Vampire, and asked Draco to watch them and he was curious so he decided to do some research."

"Makes sense." Harry said. "But who would that be?"

"Katrina!" Ron shouted. "I told you she was a Vampire! She was eating a blood flavored lollipop on the train!"

"Ron, don't be-"

"That's absolutely possible! She's new, has strange hair, and behavior, of course Draco would write about her and include the fact that she's a transfer. Then Voldemort- shut up Ron, would figure out that it makes perfect sense! A Vampire couldn't hide in Hogwarts long! No one ever transferred in or out before so it had to be either her or a First Year! But First Years can't go to Hogsmeade, so it'd have to be her because she's the only one who could have- Harry! Ron! She killed that man!"

"If she's the Vampire." Harry said.

"Who else could it be?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. Do you think we should spy on her with the invisibility cloak?" Harry replied.

"You can't, I can. Remember? All the staircases leading to girls dorms are charmed. No boys allowed."

"Fine, you can do it. I go get my cloak." He went and got his cloak. "Here."

"Thank you, I promise I'll be careful with it." She put it on and waited outside the portrait for the Slytherin dorms for someone else to open it. She went in with a group of giggling First Years and went up to the dorms for Fifth Year Slytherin girls. Then, Tracey Davis ran out of the room leaving the door open, complaining about a bad smell. When Hermione went in she knew what she was talking about. There was a heavy scent of iron in the air. Is that smell blood? Hermione asked herself.

No one else was in the room though. She decided to do some poking around. She went to Katrina's bed, where the scent was strongest. It came from under her bed. There was a large suitcase there. Hermione opened it and was greeted by jars of glass, filled with who-knows-what. She took one out and tried to open it, but the cork was stuck.

Just then, Katrina walked in and said "I know you're there Hermione."

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