Chapter Five

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The click of the cuff around his wrist snagged Parker’s immediate attention.

Rolling onto his back again, he stared up at Amber. Her hair was mussed, her lips bruisingly red from his kisses, and guilt pierced his chest. So, yeah, things had gotten a little rough there toward the end. But he was only so strong, and Amber’s frantic words and feverish hands had hacked away at his control until he really shouldn’t be held responsible for what came after.

The guilt stabbed harder, anyway.

‘Okay,’ he said, his voice like gravel as he dangled the handcuffs in the air, his body twitching with interest.

‘I’m assuming you want another round.’

The edgy smile, the blush that crept up her face and the way she shifted her eyes to the left had him chuckling.

‘For the record, Ace—’ he stretched out his leg, resting on his elbows ‘—any woman who goes for the handcuffs has no business being nervous.’

She stared at him a moment more and it was as if she was looking everywhere but at his groin. Which wasn’t the only part of his body that wholeheartedly approved of the addition of restraints, but it was the only part that could communicate its consent.

And then Amber reached for his boxers.

Frowning, Parker simply watched as she hooked the underwear on his feet, sliding them up his calves.

He lifted a brow. ‘FYI,’ he said, ‘the addition of handcuffs usually means you’re taking the clothes off, not putting them back on.’

Ignoring him, she slid the boxers higher.

Now he was really curious.

‘Okay, I’ll bite,’ he rumbled. She met his gaze as he lifted his hips to allow her to pull his underwear into place, and he sent her a smile. ‘You got a clothes-on fetish, right?’ The thought sent a thrill working its way down his back, wrapping around his growing erection.

‘I can work with that.’

Now that he was covered, she scooted until she was resting against the coffee table.

‘No fetish that I know of,’ she said. ‘I just can’t concentrate when you’re so naked.’

She reached for the loose end of the handcuffs, looping it through the ornate leg of the wrought-iron coffee table before clipping it around his other wrist. Totally intrigued now, he grinned at his helpless position—which was really kinda hot.

‘That’s one of the advantages of being naked,’ he said.

‘The inability to focus on anything else.’

Gaze admiring all the creamy skin before him, he took in the curve of her breasts and hips.

He shouldn’t encourage her. He shouldn’t be so weak.

He shouldn’t crave absorbing that mesmerizing light radiating from her expression. From her eyes. Seemingly from her very skin.

But he needed just a little bit more.

Desire licked at his limbs and his voice reflected his thoughts.

‘You just need additional practice,’ he said. ‘And I’m—’

She reached for her blouse and slid it back over her head, and Parker stared, stunned. And while she had been rendered mute by the sight of him naked, he had a similar problem with the vision of her putting her clothes on.

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