fifteen- the attack on Sasuke and the leaf

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister

Fifteen - the attack on Sasuke and the leaf

It had been a whole month since Naruto had begun to learn about his human half of his powers.  It had become known that foreign dignitaries were coming to the leaf village forcing the Jinchuriki to hide and not being able to leave the Uchiha estate unless the leaf village was in danger.

I don't like this.  I wish that I knew what was going on in that meeting. replied Kyuubi.

That could be arranged Kyuubi-dono replied Yuki as she made several hand signs summoning her personal Yami no Tamashii, Ryokoto.

{You summoned me Mistress Hikari?}asked Ryokoto.

Ryokoto could spy on them from the shadows.  He would be able to report back to me among a special path that is possessed by the members of my clan. stated Yuki.

Actually your clan isn't the only ones who can hear and understand the Yami no Tamashii.  Those of the Kitsune Clan possess a very unique kekkigenkai that allows us to mirror, copy, and understand an others kekkigenkai. stated Kyuubi.  (I know that Naruto and Kyuubi don't have one in the series so for this story, I decided that they would have this ability.  It would also explain why Naruto was able to understand and knew that Ryokoto was a part of Yuki's power).

{What he says is true Mistress Hikari.  That hanyou understood every wore I spoke when I first came to this village with you injured in my arms.} stated Ryokoto.

I that is the ability possessed by those of your clan Kyuubi-dono.  But I am certain that Ryokoto can carry out this task without being spotted or arousing suspicion. stated Yuki.

Very well Yuki.......  I am trusting you Ryokoto . I need for you to report anything out of the ordinary. commanded Kyuubi as Ryokoto nodded his head that he understood as he vanished into the shadows.  It is up to Ryokoto and Naruto to keep the leaf village safe.

Naruto wondered through the village in his human form as his body felt tense.  He knew that something bad was going to happen.  Even though he was in human form he could sware that his fur would be standing on ends.

'I have a very bad feeling.' Naruto thought to himself as he met up with his team in order to get the details about their mission.

" seems that you have adjusted rather well to your human form." stated Kakashi.

"I can deal with it thanks to the training I was put through.  But I prefer my true form.  According to my tou-san, I still have a long way to go before I have full control over my powers." replied Naruto.  Naruto could feel someone ruffle his hair which caused Naruto to snarl sharply as his eyes were glazed red showing his demonic nature.  Jiariya removed his hand quickly as Naruto's fangs as well as his claws lengthened fully.  Naruto quickly scampered off before he seriously hurt someone.

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