Chapter One: Hmmm? What is that?

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"Lord Beerus it is time for you to wake up, we have to go see the king of all today" a man who bore white hair and blue skin, dressed in dark red robes and held a staff spoke. "Wait! That's today!?" A voice yelled as a purple cat creature fell out of bed. "Where are my clothes!? Is my bath ready?!" The purple cat ran around frantically "Oh my for the god of destruction you sure look afraid" The blue man spoke "Whis! This isn't a laughing matter" the man known as Whis chuckled.

"Just hurry and shower before he gets angry" Beerus froze then ran off in the opposite direction. Five minutes later he came out dressed and ready to go. "Off we go to see the king of all" Whis tapped his staff and they both took off in a beam of light. "Lord Beerus after this I shall prepare a meal for you" Beerus had his hand extended outward toward Whis's back and his legs were crossed "Yes fine..." His eyes rested on something outside of the beam in the distance.

"Whis stop quickly, do you see that?" Beerus pointed at the thing that floated carelessly throughout space. "My lord it looks like a child, shall I go retrieve it?" Beerus shooed him off "I'll be back in a jiffy" He flew toward the child "This doesn't look good" Whis shook his head and flew over to Beerus quickly "Hmm? A child,is it dead?" "It appears if we or someone doesn't treat the child it will die" Beerus sat in deep thought. "It can't be helped, Whis take us back home let's save this child"

Whis was shocked "As you wish but I'll need you to hold her" Whis sat the girl in Beerus's lap "Who would do such a cruel thing?" Whis spoke hoping to get an answer, only to be hit with a wave of silence. He smirked as he seen The God of Destruction admiring the gentle, yet bruised features of the kid. They soon arrived home where Whis quickly patched up the child. "My lord it's all done, we should only be 2 minutes late" he stood up "Is that so, well let us go but what will happen to the child?" "I assure you my lord she'll be asleep as soon as we get back" he tapped his stick once more as they took off in the beam of light once more.

During the trip Beerus hadn't complained which was very rare "My lord I haven't seen you shaken up at all, are you really concerned about that child?" Beerus didn't say a word but shoot Whis a glare "Whoops" he laughed and kept his focus forward. "We're here" the walked into the palace and heard what the king had to say. "Now I'm hungry, Whis! Take me home so I can feast" under his breath Whis said "You just want to hurry home to tend to that child" Beerus's ear twitched "Did you say something?" He growled a bit "Oh nothing my lord, let us go right away"

They finally got back to Beerus's planet and entered the house where the child was finally awake "It seems you've awoken, what's your name?" Beerus spoke to the girl with silver hair, she was tan skinned and looked around 4 years old. "Oh..I'm uhh Momo" Beerus placed his hand on his chin "Peach huh? Where are you from? Are you hungry? Answer me or I'll destroy you" the girl smiled "You're a cat" she walked over to him and patted his nose "Don't do that to me, I'll kill you!!!" The girl was unfazed by his threats "My lord you don't surely mean that now do you?" Beerus looked at Whis and picked the girl up "Hmmm Momo huh? What race are you?" She looked at him "Huh? I don't know what you mean mister" Whis walked over to Beerus "Not sure if you're sensing it but she might be a Saiyan" "A Saiyan you say!?" He looked at her " Kid you willing to train under us? You have a lot of potential" She nodded her head "As long as I get to stay with you Kitty!" Beerus put her down "My name is Beerus!!! You little turd!!! You need a bath and a change of clothing" Beerus pulled off her hoodie "No! Don't touch!" He was confused "Fine at least let's go take a bath, Whis once dinner is on please get some fresh clothing and patch up that stupid hoodie" "As you wish" he grabbed the hoodie and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Okay now your bath is ready, wash up and get ready for dinner" he tossed her in the bath. "What the hell am I doing?? The God of Destruction babysitting!? Hopefully I won't regret this, maybe she can become like the Warrior in my dream...the legendary super saiyan god" Beerus sat down by the bathroom door arms folded and legs crossed "Yeaaa that could work, who knows maybe I can find more like her after I'm done" the bathroom door opened and Momo was wrapped in towels "Kitty I'm done" She ran over to him slipping and falling. Beerus held his hands over his mouth, she sat up and started to laugh causing him to laugh as well "Awww man...You should've seen the look on your face!" He pointed at her soon picking her up allowing her to fetch her clothing. "Dinner is ready Momo and My lord" Whis appointed them to the dinner table where they both started demolishing the food. "This is great!?" Beerus called out "Mhm I agree" Whis smiled "I'm glad you both think so, also Momo after that it's time for bed you have training starting tomorrow with me and Kitty okay?" Beerus paused "Whis? What did you just call me?" Beerus held a chicken leg in his hand "So help me if you called me kitty I will destroy you!" Whis laughed "I never said any such thing, now continue eating before it gets cold"

After dinner Beerus put Momo in the bed beneath his bed "Whis do you think she's capable of turning into a super saiyan God?" Whis nodded "I supposed but it'll take her 3 years to fully master it also she needs speed training, stamina and overall strength..if she's willing to listen to her precious kitty and me she'll do fine" Whis pulled the cover over the sleeping girl "I'm really close to killing you I hope you know that" Whis's gaze averted upward as he spoke under his breath once more "I'd like to see you try" Beerus was already up in his bed fast asleep "Welli better prepare for tomorrow" he went off outside and prepared for the days ahead "I know she's got this, hopefully he doesn't have a change of heart and try to kill her...oh my"

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