Chapter #1| Memories

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I remembered the day saw him I was sitting on the field watching him practice for an important game for the season. Everyone knew him well, girls couldn't wait to be next in line for Carter Thomas to notice one of them. He is talented and passionate about football and yet people don't seem recognise that.

Being the new student, of course everyone would avoid me and I expected it for my first day. The way he smiles and laugh just makes me do the same, he's handsome so no wonder girls fall for him and I am sure he knows it. I stayed till the bell rings, I gathered my books and gently put them inside my bag. I am use to the bullying, it's nothing new for me even when I tell my mother countless of times moving to different school will not solve the problem.

"Watch where you are going loser" Jackson says. Of course he had walk into me when he can simply walk beside or around me, the hall way is wide enough to move around. Stupid jocks like him aren't smart enough to know that. I lift myself off the ground and proceed to my next class, it wasn't a surprise for others to find out that I get good grades. Apparently it's an excuse for some idiot to bully me for being smart, I don't consider myself a nerd or a geek but of course they think otherwise. Lunch time soon came, I waited for everyone to leave first so could I watched Carter talk to his friends as they walk to the cafeteria. 

"Well ain't this a surprise, Manny has a crush on Carter" says Jackson. I froze and turned staring at him, he smirked and went to sit in front of me.

"I-I don't like him" I replied.

"Of course you had to be a f*g" he sneered. I flinch at the word, I am okay him along with other people bullying me for being smart, I made sure keep my sexuality a secret. Reasons for moving to several schools is because of my sexuality, I don't have the freedom for being myself. Just because I am gay doesn't change who I am or be another species, I wanted people to accept me for who I am.

"Well you're wrong, I am not gay so leave me alone" I replied. Lying to people will make them believe me I hoped but Jackson wasn't convinced.

"Don't lie, it seems like you're good at seducing any man" he says.

"W-What are you talking about?" I dared to ask. Jackson looked at me with a blank expression, I suddenly felt suffocated in the classroom. Not wanting to hear his answer, I quickly put my books inside my back and started walking towards closed door until I felt him grip my arm. I whimpered in pain as he roughly pulled me back, my face slammed onto the desk with him over me.

"You're nothing but a wh*re" he whispers. I shiver in disgust feeling his hand slip under my shirt, I wanted to run away as far from this monster. The door slammed open startling Jackson, he quickly moved away and pushed past Carter that entered the room.

"Are you okay?" he asked. In shock I didn't answer him, I felt dirty and disgusted with myself for not defending myself, I let people like Jackson walk all over me and I hate it.

"He hurt you, didn't he?" asked Carter. I remained silent, I didn't try to deny it and it's obvious he knows the answer.

"I am going to kill him" he growls. Quickly I grip his arm, I didn't want him to do something stupid because of me. I appreciate him caring and it's enough for me to forget about Jacksons touch.

"Why are you defending him?" he asked in anger.

"He isn't worth it, it will only make the situation worse" I replied. I wasn't lying, if Carter done something like reporting or confronting Jackson, I knew he'll only come back and do something worse. From that day onwards, Carter would always keep an eye on me, asking me if I was okay or if Jackson tried to harass me.

"Don't think you're safe because of Carter, you pissed me off f*g so you better watch your back" Jackson sneered. I shivered in fear and disgusted, he was beside for just a brief moment and Carter wasn't around either. I stared at the faint scars on my wrist, why do I think cutting myself is the only solution to relieve my pain?

For the next few weeks Carter continued keeping me safe from Jackson, my feelings for him grew and I made sure to keep them to myself until suddenly he stops. I am always hesitant to call his name when I see him but when I do he acts like he didn't hear or just ignores me. I felt hurt that he's acting this way, I wonder if I done something to upset him but again I got no answer. Jackson used any opportunity to harass me, calling me horrid names that repeat in my name.

"Carter wants to speak to you, he's waiting on the flied" says Kathy. I looked at her away from my lunch, I was confused since she's never spoken to me and also Carter never used someone to deliver ;a message.

"Is this some kind of joke" I asked.

"One way to find out" she replies and walked away. I sat in dazed so I gathered the courage to go see Carter or hoping it'll be Carter waiting for me. To my relief, it is him waiting sitting at my usual spot where I watch him play. I blushed realising where we are, I guess it's safe to say he notice me watching him during his games, I hope.

"Y-You wanted to see me" I said breaking the silence. So many questions filled my mind but I decided not to ask them.

"I am taking you out on a date, be ready by 6 and I'll pick you up" he replied. I was in shock because I wasn't expecting him to say that.

"W-What?" I replied. Good on you Manny, say something stupid.

"Give my your phone" he says. I blushed. Well this is embarrassing, I don't even own one so good for me.

"I don't have a mobile" I replied. He looked surprised then sighed, pulling out his book and a pen he ripped a piece of paper. I written down my home phone number and address, he then fold it and slip it inside his pocket.

"Why don't you have a mobile, this is 2016" he says like I am the one who's stupid.

"Well I don't see the need for it" I replied. With that he stood up and walked away, I couldn't believe it, I have a date with Carter Thomas

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