"Stupid leaves." Kayla muttered as she stomped over the auburn dirt,
"How so?" I ask her, my rifle firmly placed in my grip,
"They blow your cover, anyone anywhere can here you coming a mile away." Kayla retorted and kicked a pile of leaves into the air and watched them twirl and swirl in the chilly air until they grazed over the ground, lightly dusted with snow,
"Got anything Jacob?"
"Nothing yet," Jacob carried close quarter weapons like crowbars, axes, knives, weapons of that nature.
"I don't like it."
"How so," I retort while keeping a visual on my surroundings,
"It's too quiet, no activity, it was never this quiet."
"Well maybe our repellent is working long range." I call back,
"No, it can't be, Ryan may have designed it, and God bless his soul for creating a necessary survival tactic, but it shouldn't be working as well as it appears to be." Jacob was uneasy, I could tell,
"Well, a stroke a luck, especially good luck, is rare these times of crisis, I'd like to actually get a day to breathe without a runner, crawler, or walker trying to drive its teeth into my skin."
I didn't mean to sound agitated, I just did, like a reflex. I never meant to snap at Jacob either, I knew from the get-go being in this type of environment wasn't in his wheel house. He was nervous like all of us, but he was on a new level of uneasiness and nervousness.
"Kayla, you've been pretty quiet, what's on your mind?" Jacob asked,
"Oh, sorry, would you like me to complain about some other inanimate object, because those are so popular." Kayla retorted sarcastically,
"Hey, just looking out for a friend."
Jacob put his hands up in a peace-showing motion to signal Kayla to let off,
While those two chatted about old times, it left me time to think. Think about the cold, think about how dry and cracked the skin on my hands were getting. Little things, we're on my mind. I had completely blotted out the fact that all my family are who knows where, and if they even survived, or worse yet became one of them-
"DOM WATCH OUT!" Jacob shouted,
My thoughts dispersed and suddenly I was in freefall. I had originally suspected I was on solid ground but the there was no ground to walk upon, I had unknowingly walked off a ledge that led to a ten feet fall into a pile of leaves. Thankfully, they weren't covering any suspicious or anything that could potentially cause bodily harm.
With my rifle, still in my grip, leaves clouded my vision, they swooshed up when I landed in the pile, arms thrashing like any typical confused and dazed human being. I may have been face first in the leafy piles but my ears could pick up the sounds of Kayla and Jacob breaking into a chuckle.
I shoot up, trying to pretend like nothing had happened, but their grins up ten feet above covered their whole face,
"Laugh it up, like none of you ever got lost in thought!" I shoot back in a bit of anger,
Jacob paused to wipe a tear that had swelled in his eye,
"Yea, but never to the point where I walk off a ledge." He retorted,
"Just get down here so we can finish our perimeter search."
"Hang on, let me walk ten feet back and start thinking about something pointless." Jacob ran back till he was out of sight,
The Night that never Ends
HorrorBOOK 1 OF 3... After a mysterious outbreak of infection spreads over North America, a group of seven survivors must defend themselves in an unknown environment against hoards of infected souls. They must adapt like they never had before, the cold, t...