Top Names From 1900

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I'm back again with names from the U.S. Census for the year 1900!


Male name         Female name

Aaron    Abbie

Abe        Ada

Abel       Adah

Abner   Adaline

Abraham             Addie

Abram  Adela

Ace        Adelaide

Acie       Adele

Adam    Adelia

Addie    Adelina

Addison               Adeline

Admiral                Adell

Adolf     Adella


Adolphus             Adline

Adrian   Adrienne

Agnes   Agatha

Al            Aggie

Alan       Agnes

Albert   Aileen


Albin      Alberta

Alden    Albertha

Alec       Albertine

Alex       Albina

Alexander           Alda

Alf          Aleen

Alfonso                Alene

Alfonzo                Aletha

Alford   Alfreda

Alfred   Alice


Alice      Alida

Allan      Aline

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