Why me ( a jack frost and christina lee love story)

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I am Santa daughter you think he's not real oh he's real all right I am 15 years old white hair in the winter ( btw: which is winter now ) bright red hair in the summer brown hair in the fall blue in the spring. Bright neon blue eyes in the winter orange eyes in summer dark red and brown mixed together in the fall purple eyes In the spring.

I can t wait for the Guardians I NEVER introduced to then they don't even know Santa has a daughter. I am nervous I mean what if they're mad or dislike me oh and by the way the new guardian Is coming to I wonder what he or she looks like I mean really I wanna know I want to see them I looked at my alarm clock 12:00 the guardians are coming at 2:00 I better get the show in the road now.

And I have powers just so you know.

I jumped up brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and took a shower and when I got out it was 1:00 shit!!!!! I thought and I grabbed and a purple dress with black poka a dots on it and I also grabbed a leather biker girl jacket and some leather biker girl boots and I sat down in my make up chair and table and mirror I brushed my pure white snow hair. And put on some lip gloss and mascara.

I looked in my mirror in approval I walked down stairs

" go back up I will tell you when they get here and you look nice here Is your breakfast " Santa ( dad) said

" ok fine " I whined and grabbed my plate of food I ran up the stairs and closed the door and turned on my 90in tv to America's funnest home videos ah something good to start the day wait what I am starting to sound like my dad Santa uh snap out of it I thought

And I ate my French toast and snow powder and I grabbed my notebook from my drawer and I flipped to the page I am finishing which is tooth the tooth fairy I am doing her dress and shoes now.

I just finish it well I just sat and waited while watching tv.







I heard a knock at the door.

" they are here excepted the bunny Easter bunny " dad said

" ok" I walked to the door and opened it and I slowly walked down the stairs and so did Santa

Dad was down there he Said " my daughter Christina lee Claus " he said

Everyone gasped at my compaction. I smiled and we t Down to shake they hands I shook tooths first

" did you brush your teeth and my name is Tooth fairy nice to meet you Christina your so pretty " tooth said

" nice to meet you to and yes I did and thanks " I said as I shook sand mans hand

" even thought you can't talk nice to meet you " I said

I shook everyone hand expect bunny he wasn't here

" why didn't you tell us you had a daughter " tooth said while every one still looked VERY surprised

" don't know " he said

Jacks pov

I was walking I heard a whistle and a Australian accent say " hello mate " I instantly knew who is was the Easter kangaroo

" oh hi Easter kangaroo nice to see you again" I said in a sarcastic way

" yea I know " Easter kangaroo said as he snapped his fingers and I was in a bag a brown cotton bag and threw in a portal.

" LET . ME. OUT. " I yelled then I was on the ground and someone grabbed me and put me in the doors I didn't know where was I but I was very nice and warm.

Christina's pov

Easter bunny walked threw the door s and let a gust of cold air and snow in as he dropped a bag on the ground

" oh and who is this ?" The Easter bunny said

" I am Christina Lee Claus Santa Claus daughter nice to meet you " I said and smiled I ran over to the bag and opened it inside I found the new guardian Jack Frost was his name.

" oh hi Christina" he said in daze in a lovely way

I guessed that he liked me ????

" oh hi well isn't jack Trouble maker frost" I said

" shut up bitch " he said

" asshole I have a lot more powers then you have " I said with my face red I suddenly felt war very warm I slapped him

" fuck what the fuck was that for ?!!?? " he said

" because what you said duh !!!" I said

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