The depaaaarture

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December 19Th. 2000
My brother was born .Me and him are one year names Jessica by the way,Jessica 14 currently.i was one year old when my brother born I was sitting in the waiting room.terrified,i kept hearing yelling . The nurse assured me it was all alright. The hours felt eternal,like i was their for days. My father finally left the room and came out all bloody.i screamed "AHHHH!" The nurses came to my attention. "Mrs.Jessica are you alright?"I pointed at my father. "The nurses left as my father approached in bloody scrubs. "Is mommy okay ,daddy?" "Yes sweetie,your baby brother was born!" "brother?"I exclaimed "yes hunny,brother " "oh..."I said "I have to go back to mommy now hun.ill be back" my father left.thats the last time I saw him. My aunt came and picked me up and took me home.i didn't ask where my daddy was, I didn't wanna know . He promised he would be back and he wasn't. My mom came home 3-days later.with my baby brother Mickey,we lived a happy life ,without my father.

My mother never talked about our father.when ever Mickey asked questions mom would always change the subject .He's not dead I know talks on the phone with him,I've heard her no matter how much she Denys it. I don't hate my father he probably had a reason to leave ,I just don't see it.i just don't want to have him come back into me and mickeys life ,and expect us to receive him with open arms .other then my fathers departure,our life has been great! Until what I'm about to tell you...

July 4th 2013
Our family of three was out on our annual 4th of July mom in a happy mode I haven't seen her like this in months sense she fell in a deep state of and Mickey were eating our ham and cheese by lake whales,Florida admiring the beautiful fireworks. I hear a deep voice near by I don't neccecarly care for it ,concisedering their are about 100 families near by.But it got closer,and closer,and closer,and closer until ...BOOM!it was in my ear I got scared and turned around as quickly as possibly possible .no one was their,so I didn't seem crazy I yelled at Mickey punching him in the arm.But inside I knew it wasn't him.....

The hours passed ,approaching midnight .I turned and looked at my mom, she kept looking back as if waiting for someone.I didn't pay much attention . It was 11:00 the sound of the exploding fire works alarmed me.Then I heard voices again.I turned and a man was standing next to my mother.i crawled toward her on the picnic mat. The man looked at me in astonishment ,"Jessica?" He said as if he knew me . I didn't say anything but looked at my mom,this man was my father I thought .He was...Mickey was still entertained with the mom broke the silence and said "Jessica ..this is your father ."I stared in disbelief . He had brown hair and brown eyes as did Mickey ,he was tall and buff looking .I didn't say hi..I didn't say anything for about a minute until I managed to break out the words and say .."why?..
He said "why what sweetheart"..
He knew what I was talking about . My mom looked at him.
I said "why did you leave"..
He said "it's complicated"with a worried look on his face. I looked at Mickey and he was looking at us.
I turned back around and crawled back to Mickey.He said "who is that?"I replied with simply,"nobody ...."

Mom made us pack everything up as we all walked to the car together .mom was showing dad pictures on her phone.i assumed of us when we were little.

But for some reason it looked more ..what's the word. Important ,my "father" had a weird look on his face,my mother was brought to tears.i had no idea what was going on .i wasn't paying attention when CRACK. I tripped on a piece of what seemed to be glass my dad reached over for me and helped me up. "I'm okay "... I said a little bit rude if you want me to be honest . We got to the car and I put everything inside Mickey sat down and instantly fell asleep as did I.
I woke up I'm not sure how long I slept but their was a light near by in my was a street light,like the ones in major highways . I scatter around feeling around I get up Mickey I still mom is talking to my dad about something ..I'm trying to listen but I can't focus.Things coming in and out threw my head.My dad suddenly walking into my life pretending he has been hear all brother so grades have been dropping like flies. Then I'm swooped back into reality.By six words "Jessica & Mickey have to go". The anger is boiling threw my body.The rage in my head ,who the hell is this man to come into our lives and tell OUR mother we have to go.i listen on my mom says ."your right for their own safety ".my mom looks back I pretend to be scared I have no idea what's going on suddenly the thoughts are going threw my head I don't know what to do .mickeys asleep and EVERYTHING is hitting me at once.i can feel the blood boiling in my veins.
I black out.its just to much I can't take it anymore .

"Jessica wake up hunny" ."Jessica " Jessica hunny wake up" "Jessica " "Jessica !" I wake up being violently shaked. I suddenly remember last night . "get off me!"I yell , "hunny what's wrong ?!? " your planning on getting rid of us " I said
She quickly replied "hunny you don't know the half of it. " I said "I don't need to" hunny I need you to wake up we have to go NOW" my mom says .i open up my eyes and look around Mickey is in what looks to be a bathroom.i believe this is a hotel room "what going on?" I say." I'll explain in the car go get dressed " . My mom seems serious .. I get up and walk towards the bathroom . I'm surprised to see my dad still here.surprised he hadn't baled on us yet .

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