My Thugly Love

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Taking a deep breath, I walked into the courtroom, my heels clicking against the hard wooden floor. I felt hundred of eyes on my as I made my way to the witness stand.

Here's the deal; my boyfriend, Hakeem, was arrested for attempted murder. Bullshit, right? Truthfully, Hakeem was with me the time of the murder, Saturday. I remember because we shared sweet, sinful memories.

Everyone thinks Hakeem did it because he's a drug dealer and the murder was drug related. I know what you're thinking, why the hell you dating a drug dealer? Well I love Hakeem and he loves me. And a few bags of weed isn't gonna change that.

"Ms.Jones?" I was snapped out of my daze by the judge's stern voice.

"Oh, sorry. Yes?" I answered,sitting up straight.

I could see Hakeem out of the corner of my eye; my baby looked so depressed. Much different from how her usually was, wild, excited and fun of life.

"Ms. Jones, do you swear to tell the complete truth and nothing but the truth?" a police asked, holding a bible in front of me.

I placed my right hand on the bible and held my left up. "I swear to tell the complete truth and nothing but the truth."

The policeman nodded and walked away. I glanced over at Hakeem who blew me a kiss. I blushed and played with my fingers.

"Mrs. Jones, is it true that at the time of the murder Mr. Bullings was with you?" the defense attorney asked me.


"And did you and the defendant have any sexual intercourse?"

"Yes, that's why I remember."

"It is possible that the defendant could've killed Garret Downing?"

"No. He was with me from one in the afternoon to the next morning," I answered, feeling uncomfortable.

"So you're saying that he hadn't left your house until Sunday morning?"


"That is all."

The defense attorney sat down next to Hakeem and the prosecutor got up glaring at me.

"Ms. Jones, you say that you and Hakeem had sex during the murder but your mother says otherwise. She says you went to a 'Tasha's house'." she said, her voice fierce.

"I-I lied to her. I lied so that I could got see him. She never liked him and would disapprove if she knew what we did."

"If you lied to your mother, how can we be sure that your not lying now? How so we know that you aren't lying to cover for your little boyfriend?"

"I'm not a liar. I knew my ma wouldn't approve."

"You may step down."

I sighed in relief and walked off the stand as the judge called for a recess. Hakeem got up from the table and ran up to me.

"You did great baby! Thank you," he said, hugging me.

"Welcome baby. You're innocent and they need to know that."

He smiled and kissed my lips softly, whispering a quick I love you in my ear. I blushed hard.

After a 40 minute recess, the jury had their decision. I sat nervously as they stood up.

"In case of Garret Downing, we the people find Hakeem Bullings guilty of Capitol murder."

"What? No! No, you can't do this! He didn't do it! No!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Ms.Jones! Calm yourself or you will be removed from the court!"

"He didn't do it!! Hakeem! Tell them you didn't do it! Baby please!"

"Layla, baby, just calm down. I'll be out soon. God knows I didn't do this. He'll get me out," Hakeem called, as they hauled him away in handcuffs.

I cried hard as I ran out the court room. Why'd they have to take my baby? Why'd they have to the only person who made me feel special and loved? Why? Why? Why?

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