The begginig

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Baby Tiyah pov in the past

My mowmmy said thwat we have to weave and mowve to LA so nown we are puwlling up into are neww yawrd

NM: Come on baby lets get out the car and start putting boxes away.

Me: ok mowmmy

As we awre puwting away boxwes in the house we see a lady walking up to us with a little boy

???: hello welcome to the neighborhood

NM: hi thank you. may I ask your name?

???: oh lol my name is Tiffany

NM: and who is this little boy?

Tiffany: this is my son chresanto

Chresanto: hwi

NM: hi you are so handsome how old is he?

Tiffany: oh he's 2 1/2 and who is this little cutie?

Me: hi I'm Natiyah bwut you can cwall me Tiyah

Tiffany: and how old are you sweetie?

Me: dis many *holds up two fingers*

Tiffany: you are just to cute

Me: thwank you

Tiffany: you are very welcome would you like some help with taking these boxes in?

NM: oh yes thank you

Tiffany: no problem the kids can go and watch tv in chresanto's room his sister is in the house

NM: as long as his older sister is in there I'm fine with it

Tiffany: ok chres take Tiyah to your room and watch tv

Chresanto: ok mowmmy let's gwo Tiyah *grabs my hand *

*two hours later*

Chresanto&natiyah: *laughing*

Me: spongebob is swo fwunny

Chresanto: I kwnow right

Me: hey do you want to be my best fwriend?

Chresanto: sure but I already have 3 owther boy best fwriends

Me: well I cwan be ywour girl best fwriend

Chresanto: ok

And from that day on we have been best friends now were 15 and I caught feelings... HARD!


So how was the first chapter?

Next chapter ill try to make it better and longer


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