Cheaters Never Win

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*Levi's pov*

"Cheaters never win." Tch that expression can suck my ass! It's just a stupid expression to get men to stay faithful. But I'm not an idiot. Also! That whole "Karma is a bitch" is stupid. Only morons fall for that shit. And I can prove it to you. I have cheated so many times and I am not regretting it. Cheating is actually fun. It amuses me to watch the girls beg for MY forgiveness. Tch, stupid. As a matter of fact I'm cheating on my girlfriend right now! She won't know for a while but when she finds out I'll play the innocent card. I'm no idiot I know how to get begged not to beg. I always win.

"Hey Levi did I leave my maneuver gear here?" (F/n) walked in.

Way to jinx myself. I thought.

She stared at me her (e/c) orbs switching from me to Petra, who was the girl I was cheating with.

"I'm so sorry (F/n)! I swear I didn't mean it!" I begged. Just like I said innocent card. "It was an accident!" Now I was waiting for her to burst out in tears and beg ME to forgive HER.

"Accident?" She said her voice shaking. I smirked on the inside as I knew she was about to break down in tears.

"Yes I swear!" I fake begged.

"Oh so what, You happened to slip on a bar of soap and 'Oh my dick fell in her ass"?! Accident my fucking ass you douchebag!" She trembled with anger.

"What?!" I yelled. What a fucking plot twist.

"You heard me asshole! Just fuck her and whoever else you want because we're done!" She turned on her heels and slammed the door.

"What the fuck just happened?!" I quickly shoved Petra away and put my clothes on. After I dressed myself I rushed after her.

I caught up to her just as she head to the stables.

"Wait! What did you say?!" I yelled shocked that she was angry at me.

"Just like I said! Go to hell and leave me alone! We're through!" She guided her horse outside the stables and jumped on. She was about to take off but I jumped in her horse's way.

"Wait brat! I'm humanity's strongest! One of the hottest men alive and YOU'RE dumping ME?!" I shouted still baffled.

"Yes now get out of my way you cheating bastard!" She yelled trying to go around me but I still didn't understand so I kept blocking her path.

"But whenever I cheat, the girls always beg for me to forgive them!" I yelled angry now. She then jumped off her horse and slammed me against the wall holding onto my collar.

"Well I'm not those girls now am I? No! I have never begged for a guy and you won't be the first, I will NEVER beg for you!" She then punched me, jumped on her horse and rode away.

"Fine! I don't need you!" I shouted. Then I felt the sting in my jaw. "Oww." I massaged it, that girl can punch.

Tch forget her, I can get any girl I want. I smirked as I walked back to my office to finish my session with Petra.

*Reader's pov*

"Another bourbon please." I said as I sat in a bar.

"(F/n) I think that's enough, you've been drinking nonstop since you got here." The bartender said taking my glass. I had been there for 4 hours already.

"I don't give two rats ass Ernie! Just give me my god damn drink!" I slammed my fist on the bar.

"Alright then." He hesitantly turned around, grabbed the bottle and quickly poured it. "Here you go."

Cheaters never win (Cheater!Levi X Reader X Armin) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now