Chapter 9

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- Previously -
he says "I love you Scarlett" I say "I love you too Julian" and we fall asleep

I wake up and Julian's arms are still wrapped around my waist I smile I try not to wake him up and try to remove his arms and get out of his bed but I fail instead of getting out of his grip his grip gets tighter and pulls me back to him I laugh and tell him "Julian let me go I have to change" he smiled and said "why we don't have school" I told him "but still" he said "no" I look at him and laugh he says "what's so funny?" I tell him "nothing" he looks at me and still won't let go I turned to face him and even when he wakes up he's still adorable I smile and he smiles he leans closer to me and kisses me I pull back and he says "why'd you pull back im I not a good kisser?" we both laugh I feel his hands let go of my waist and we both get up we go downstairs and I see mama Jara cooking pancakes and says breakfast is ready we sit down and as soon as I sit down Julian puts whipped cream in my face "JULIAN" I yell he laughs and says "oops" I go get napkins and clean it off and I put whipped cream on Julian's hair he starts chasing me he picks me up and we both start laughing he puts me down and after a while we decided to go to the store

- At the store -
Julian went to go get ice cream and i went to go get cereal then I felt someone's arms wrapped around my waist I turn around and saw that it was Julian I said "Julian where's the ice cream?" he said " I'm not Julian" I look at him confused " of course you are " he said "no I'm not in Jovani  Julian's twin brother" I was shocked "how come Julian didn't tell me about you" he said "I don't know how about we ask him" a few minutes later Julian found us in the candy isle he said " I couldn't find just chocolate ice cream so I got strawberry vanilla and chocolate ice cream" I said said "how come you didn't tell me that you have a twin ?" Jovani was standing next to me Julian's mouth dropped and he said " I- I- I didn't want you to know Scarlett " I said " why not ?" he said "because you don't know him" Jovani said "Julian how could you not tell your friend that you have a brother what a shame" Julian gave him the Ima-kill-you look at Jovani Julian finally said "let's go Scarlett " I told him "ok Jovani can come with us" Julian said "no he should just go back to were he came from" Jovani said "oh Julian come on why don't you want me to come with yall are you scared that I'm gonna bite her" I was scared what did he say he's a vampire too?!?! Julian said "yea he is" Jovani said "don't worry I won't bite " I said "let's just go " we bought the stuff and went to the car the whole way there Jovani kept looking at me we were in the back and Julian was driving Jovani said "Scarlett ?" I said "yes ?" he said "your relly beautiful" I blushed and said "thank you and you too even tho you look like Julian" we both laughed I wonder why Julian didn't want me to know about Jovani did something happened Jovani said "something did happen" I looked at him how did he read my mind he said "vampires can read minds" I said "oh " Jovani put his arm around me I felt uncomfortable even if Julian and Jovani are twins when Julian puts his arms around me I feel safe but with Jovani I don't

I haven't posted in a while I need to start posting more but here you go Anotha chapter I know this chapter is boring but next chapter it would be interesting

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